President's Message

Being in a PROBUS club is all about Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun, and that includes managing the club's affairs with our Management Committee! As newcomers to the region, Heather and I had the good fortune of having neighbors rope us into this PROBUS club and its management team. Even having to isolate during the last few years, the committee work was instrumental in creating our new social network. Investing a bit of our time in volunteering paid off handsomely!
Talking of fun, we're going to have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 28 at 11 AM, and it's going to be online via Zoom! We've learned during the pandemic that we can make the AGM a lot less stressful for the management team by splitting the voting part from the presentations. Between March 21 and 27, you will have the opportunity to elect our executive officers and to approve our financial statements, last year's AGM meeting minutes, and changes to our club's constitution and bylaws.
The AGM on March 28 will then be a short affair where we present the voting results, provide an opportunity for your feedback, and then introduce you to the new Management Committee. The unusual start time of 11 AM was selected so that our team has enough time to prepare our Activity Fair, which will take place on the same day between 1:30 - 3:30 PM. You can find a detailed roadmap to the AGM on this web page.
Although we now have a complete slate of executive officers for you to approve, you nevertheless have the opportunity of putting your name forward for any of the positions up for election. Please contact Caroline Bacher (Nominating Committee) or myself to add your name to the ballot. In addition, we always welcome members to join the Management Committee or to step up as leaders of existing or new activities!

Happy Valentines Day!
Lifetime Membership - Stella Zahradnik

The Management Committee is delighted to announce that
Stella Zahradnik has been made a Lifetime Member of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club! Stella is the epitome of a selfless and competent volunteer, without whose contribution the club might not exist. She has been the club's Social Convenor for such a long time that we were glad to make an exception to our bylaw 10-year rule for her. While Stella has handed the reins over to Don Collins-Williams, the Committee is relieved that she will continue to pass on her wealth of knowledge, as Assistant Social Convenor, so that we can keep having well-organized and fun events!
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
In January we had the opportunity to offer membership to 56 people! This month, the Management team will be hosting a “New Member Meet & Greet" for our new members, prior to our February 28 meeting. Our newest members will have a small sticker on their name badge. Please make them feel welcome!
Membership Meeting - February 28 @ 1:00 PM
Date: Tuesday February 28, 2023
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
Speaker: Annette Sandberg
Topic: 450 Million Year creation of the Niagara Escarpment.
Annette Sandberg is a Simcoe and Grey County historical researcher whose storytelling comes to life through her work as a freelance community historical writer and speaker for museums, community groups, theatre, and certified guided hikes on the Niagara Escarpment.
Annette Sandberg grew up on the Niagara Escarpment on a farm between Castle Glen & Scenic Caves and now resides in Collingwood. Her love for the area developed as a child and it has driven her to research and document our local history, focusing primarily on its 450-million-year formation to the time of the Petun and the early immigrants of the 1800's. In 2018, Annette was elected to the Town of Collingwood Trail & Active Transportation Advisory Committee for a two-year term.
Annette is an active member of the Ontario Museum Association and her articles have been included in the Indigenous and early pioneer exhibits at local Museums, conservation newsletters, and our local CollingwoodToday newspaper. Annette is a certified Ontario Hiking Guide leading historical hikes for Bruce Trail Clubs and independently through her Historical Hiking Tour business. In 2016, she completed the 900 km trek of the Bruce Trail from Queenston Heights to Tobermory and researched and recorded the history of the land that she walked on. This all-encompassing experience, knowledge, and passion have led her to recently be appointed on the Board of Directors for the Escarpment Corridor Alliance Group as Director of Education focusing on the protection of the Niagara Escarpment.
Questions? Please contact:
Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp (Speaker info)
Cary Eagleson or Martin Buscher (Technical Zoom info)
50-50 Draw
Hank & Elaine Bouwman

We had our 50/50 draw for $288.00 at our January 24 monthly speaker meeting with two winning tickets held by Barbara Hall and George Baker for $72.00 each. 50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the 1st break.
Social Events
Don Collins-Williams, Stella Zahradnik
We are going back to the Leonardo Da Vinci Machines in Motion exhibit at the Grey Roots Museum, on March 2. This guided tour was very well received when we went last November. Watch for your email invitation coming soon. Invitations will be sent first to those who were on the waitlist in November, but will then be opened up to the rest of the club. If the tour is full when you try to register, please put your name on the new waitlist. If there is enough interest, we will add a third tour in April.
The Georgian Bay Symphony on April 1 at Meaford Hall sold out very quickly, and there are no more tickets available from the theatre. This event sold out so quickly at the box office, that hopefully that will give them plenty of incentive to host future similar concerts (for which we will snap up tickets for our members!)
The Buddy Holly Story at the King’s Wharf Theatre on June 21 is also sold out, but if you would still like to go, please put your name on the waitlist, as there often are some cancellations close to the date, so some tickets might become available.
Watch for further announcements in the Grapevine every month, and we hope to see you out at future events
Nominating Committee
Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland and Elsbeth Wright
After much “twisting of arms”, we are pleased to announce that we have filled four positions on the Management Committee, that of Speaker Co-Chair—Brian Cromie, Assistant Treasurer—George Czerwinski, Director at Large—Mary Cromie and Vice President—Joanne Vivona. We thank them for volunteering to step into these important roles.
We still require volunteers for Activities Convenor, Technical Advisor and Coffee Coordinator. Please consider filling these roles. If you would like more information about them please contact one of us. There will be support available to assist you. This is your Club! We will struggle to organize Activities and in-person meetings if these roles are not filled...
Activity Groups Update
Colleen Wilson-Dick
Activity Fair:. We are hosting an in-person Activity Fair at the Beaver Valley Community Centre on Tuesday, March 28 from 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Come and walk around the centre to learn about the various Activity Groups our club offers!

Meet our Activity Leaders—Ask questions—Sign up online!
Check out the various Activity Groups on our website and be ready with some questions before you attend! Do you have an idea for a new Activity Group? Let us know and we can add it to the list and see if other members are interested too!

Computer Group
Martin Buscher

Our January meeting was a joyful event with discussions about a joyless task: how to keep the bad guys away from our accounts, using a password manager. For February, let's talk about something a little more entertaining: tips and tricks for using phone cameras. The meeting will need to be a week later than usual on account of our travels, so it's going to be March 6 at 2 pm at Heather & Martin's home.
Euchre 1
Elaine & Hank Bouwman

We had an enjoyable afternoon of card playing and snacks at the home of Beth & John White in Lora Bay with 12 members participating on Tuesday, January 10. Sharon Clayfield and Vicki Kellar went home with bragging rights for the day after coming out on top following 8 rounds. On Tuesday, February 14 at 1:20 pm – Jean Tyler has graciously offered her Thornbury home for a fun afternoon of cards and snacks. It’s not too late to join us—just click the Register button on the Euchre 1 Activity webpage to sign up. On Tuesday, March 14 at 1:20 pm – we are looking for someone to host.
Casual Dining With Friends
Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

Save the Date: our next Casual Dining With Friends will be on February 23 at 6:00 pm. We are hoping for a good turnout from those of you who are wintering at home!
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman

29 of our members participated in our 18 January 3-course luncheon at Sterling’s Restaurant in Thornbury. Invitations for our February 15 noon hour luncheon at The Alphorn Restaurant on Hwy. 26 were sent out on February 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us… Just click the Register button on the Dining Around Town activity webpage.
Save the dates:
- Wednesday February 15: Luncheon @ 12 noon at The Alphorn Restaurant on Hwy. 26
- Wednesday March 22: Luncheon @ 12 noon at The Iron Skillet in Collingwood
- Tuesday April 18: Brunch @ 10:00 am at Georgian Family Restaurant in Collingwood
- Wednesday May 17: Dinner at Match Restaurant, Playtime Casino in Wasaga Beach. Includes guided tour & complimentary slot play voucher
- June TBA
- Wednesday September 20: Dinner @ 5 pm at Walter Falls Inn
Nordic Pole Walking
Nancy Hart

Although the Nordic Pole Walking group won't start up again until mid-April, did you know you can do indoor walking at the Beaver Valley Community Centre in Thornbury? This activity takes place Mondays and Thursdays from 9 AM - 11 AM. There are no fees and pre-registration is not required—just show up and enjoy the walk! Walking with poles (with rubber feet) and walkers is allowed.
Nancy Dixon

With Ground Hog Day here and that pesky rodent controlling the arrival of spring, l plan a few exhilarating walks. Unfortunately, l must leave you the end of February and part of March for my husband Paul and my first real vacation since Covid but our own Hank Bouwman is available, weather permitting, to walk you. Not that you really need to be walked but you know what l mean. Hope to organize a Valentine's Day walk for those in our group who love to walk or walk to love!
Gloria Thompson

This very exclusive and inclusive tour of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland has only 4 spots left. Trip dates are Saturday, May 13, 2023 returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. For information and booking, please call Gloria with any questions at 705 429 9455.
Humour Corner
Then and Now - Shared by Mary Ann Collins-Williams

Drop Off - Shared by Murray Lamont

The Master Gardener’s Corner

Our Master Gardener's Corner by
John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web
Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or
click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in February.
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams
Have you heard of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
The Last Word
Shared by Sandy Tulloch
No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. But any amount of gratitude changes the present...
Marc and Angel Chernoff
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |