Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • March 05, 2025 10:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    February was a wonderful month as we inducted over 80 new members into the club, hosting many of them at the New Members' Luncheon. These members can now join the rest of us in electing our Executive Officers for the Management Committee for the coming year and participate in the brief Annual General Meeting on March 25 via Zoom. Later that same day, they can attend the Activity Fair at the Beaver Valley Community Centre to learn more about the many club activities they can sign up for. There is more information on each of these events elsewhere in this newsletter and on our website.

    March marks my final meeting and message as your Club President, and I want to sincerely thank each of you who have supported the club over the past year and made it not only the largest PROBUS club in the world, but also the very best. Thank you for your support.

    Management Committee—Volunteers Needed 
    Brian Cromie, President

    Management Committee Openings:
    Treasurer: We are still looking for a new Treasurer, as Lynn steps aside to allow more time for involvement in the Activity groups, while George continues as Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer should have some experience in finance, bookkeeping or a related field. If you are interested in the role, please get in touch with me as soon as possible!

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    Welcome Luncheon for New Club Members.
    Prior to the monthly February meeting, a special luncheon was held to welcome the newest members of our club. On February 1, 81 individuals joined our club, and many were able to attend this event. Several members who joined the club last summer also attended. This luncheon provided an excellent opportunity for the new members to get acquainted with our Management Committee and to meet fellow newcomers. It was a wonderful way to begin their membership journey. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a successful event. We look forward to seeing these new members thrive and contribute to the continued success of our club.

    Annual General Meeting - Tuesday, Mar 25 @ 11:00 AM

    This year's AGM will be held on March 25, 2024 at 11 AM. It will be an online meeting using Zoom, lasting only about 30 minutes. An invitation will be emailed to our members ahead of time, with instructions on how to join this brief online meeting.

    We kindly ask that all members vote online to elect our officers, to accept the 2024 AGM Minutes and the 2024 Annual Financial Statements. Check your email on March 18, 2025 for instructions on how to vote. Voting closes on March 24, 2025, the day before the AGM. To view the timeline for the AGM and current nomination for our offices, please go to our 2025 AGM webpage.

    Please note that in the early afternoon following our AGM Meeting, we will be holding our Annual Activity Fair in the Beaver Valley Community Centre between 1:30 and 3:30 PM. This is in place of a regular members’ meeting. There is more information on this important event elsewhere in this newsletter.

    Activity Fair — Tuesday, March 25 @ 1:30 - 3:30 PM
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland - Activities Convenor

    The Annual Activity Fair will take place at the Beaver Valley Community Centre on Tuesday, March 25 beginning at 1:30 PM. Come and browse the tables and find out about the 30+ activity groups that you can join. This is your opportunity to ask questions about the activities. Sign-up for the activity groups is online only, and begins in the afternoon of March 25, immediately following the Activity Fair. 

    **NOTE: you must sign-up again online for any activities this year—even if you were signed up last year, or this year before March 1, 2025.**


    Check out all the activities on our Activities webpages and be ready with your questions before you attend! We have several new Activity Groups, and it is not too late to create more new groups—if you are willing to volunteer!

    National Canadian Film Day
    Denise Rand and Kirby Philp

    This will be the third year that we celebrate National Canadian Film day at our April Meeting on April 22, 2025. We had a great response to our survey with over 200 responses helping us choose this years movie.

    And the winner is... 'You are here. The come from away Story!'  Enjoy

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    March 26: The first 'Cooking with a Chef' event is full, and we are organizing a second event. Those on the event waitlist will have the first chance to register.

    March 30: The Board Games Afternoon events in January and February were a lot of fun, so we are planning one more on Sunday, March 30!

    September 5: Save the Date. We are planning a good old-fashioned 'Dinner and Barn Dance', on Friday September 5, complete with a caller and fiddler. No experience necessary. Just plan to come for a really fun evening, and be ready to kick up your heels!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    We have several exiting trips planned for this year and some already in the works for 2026.  Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join. 

    We are planning a Morocco tour for April 2026, including camel rides, desert tents, the Atlas mountains and beach. More info coming soon!

    We are also considering other exciting trips, such as biking in Croatia, a STAR CLIPPER sailing week (either in the Caribbean or the Mediterranean), or a repositioning cruise across the Atlantic under glorious sails. We would love to hear what destinations you’re interested in. At a meeting last week, a gentleman mentioned he’d like to visit the 4 Stans – we understand that! Is anyone else interested? Another person suggested a river cruise in Europe. Let us know your thoughts!

    Below is more information about our trips this year!

    • Rideau Canal Cruise (September 6 - 12, 2025) —almost sold out!
    • Italian Indulgence Tour (October 4 - 16, 2025) 
      We’re still looking for more people to join our small-group Northern Italy tour in October, when the weather will be perfect. The tour includes many meals, truffle hunting with a farmer, cooking demonstrations, distillery visits, and more. You’ll also visit beautiful destinations such as Assisi, Perugia, the Tuscan hills, Florence, Lucca, Portofino, Barolo, Lake Orta, Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, Lake Molveno, Trento, Verona, and Venice. It’s a fantastic trip, and the best part is experiencing it with other Probus members. For details, check out the flyer above or contact Brenda at 705-444-1161.
    • Agawa Canyon Fall Tour (September 30 - October 3) This trip will take us north via Manitoulin and return through Sudbury. Stay tuned for more details and pricing!

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    Welcome to our new members. For all the winter sports enthusiasts, we couldn’t ask for more snow. Everybody is saying that we haven’t had a season like this for years. Indoor activities such as games and dining are a great way to get to meet new people, learn something new and/ or enjoy a nice meal. Spending time playing in the snow, and enjoying the company of friends, is the best way to reap the benefits of your PROBUS club. Get involved, and stay active!

    We also hope to see you all at the Activity Fair on March 25!  Check out the different Activity Groups then sign-up online after the fair! 

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Wednesday, March 19 Luncheon at The Dam Pub in Meaford were sent out on March 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. Remember you will need to sign-up again for the upcoming season via the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage in order to receive the invitations!

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Wednesday, March 19 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Wednesday, April 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - Copper Blues Bar & Grill, Blue Mountain Village 
    • Thursday, May 8 @ 5 pm Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
    • Wednesday, June 18 @ 5 pm Dinner – Mylar & Loretta, Singhampton

    Euchre 1 & Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Monthly tournaments are now being held on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month in the downstairs Great Hall at St. George’s Anglican Church, 166 Russell St. E., Clarksburg. There is ample parking, an elevator and a spacious room. Invitations are sent out on the first of each month.

    • Upcoming Tournament: Tuesday, March 11 @ 1 PM
    • High Scores February 11:  Euchre 1 - Chris P.  Intermediate – Marcel F.

    Casual Dining With Friends
    Sallie Kedwell

    Our next Casual Dining event will be on Thursday, March 27 and we’ll return to 'dinners only', to be held at our volunteer hosts homes at 6:00 pm. The Blue Jays 2025 Home Opener is the same date so hopefully we can accommodate the end of the game if necessary! We’ll leave it up to the hosts to change the start time by a half hour or so if that seems like a good idea.

    Our January and February mix of same day lunch or dinner get togethers went well and we enjoyed both lunch and dinner events - many thanks to our winter hosts. Hopefully it will have stopped snowing by our March event!! 

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    The Mah Jongg Activity Group will now meet at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 281 on Marsh Street, Clarksburg on the 1st Tuesday of each month and at St George's Anglican Church on Russell St, Clarksburg on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We are grateful for the use of these facilities and are happy to support these community pillars with a token donation each game day. We play the American version of Mah Jongg, using the National Mah Jongg League's Rules. It is interesting to learn the different "House or Table Rules" that our member's encounter when playing with other local Mah Jongg groups. Other groups play for points and/or money which adds a level of pressure to the game. We still play just for fun! But NMJL Rules Always Trump House or Table Rules. Recently one of our newer members declared Mah Jongg with an extremely difficult Singles and Pairs hand - she was not allowed to take any discarded tiles and could not use any jokers. Congratulations to Jane L. for having the courage to go for it! Stop by our table at the Activity Fair to learn more about this fun game of strategy, skill and luck!

    Nancy Dixon

    Thanks again to my seven brave Ramblers for joining me on Friday, February 21, as we trudged along the sideroads and not-so-cleared sidewalks. Everyone was surprised by how warm they got during our walk. Join us for the next walk around Thornbury Harbour looking for swans!

    John White and Louis Charland

    About 20 Retired Outstanding Men had lunch at the Corner Cafe.  It is always nice to see old friends and newcomers. Conversations varied widely but our epic winter seemed to predominate. Our next lunch will be March 12 at the Alphorn Restaurant in Craigleith at noon.

    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Our snowshoe outing at Kolapore South was led by Bruce K. Participation was good, and Bruce led us through a lovely trail that he and Val maintain. It was a lovely trek through the woods, with a few ups and downs on the 4+ km trail. Thanks to all who participated, especially to Bruce for leading us.

    Recently, a small group enjoyed the Nipissing Ridge trail, just off Grey Rd. 19. This was a more leisurely trek through the woods, alongside a frozen, snow-covered creek. It was a great way to spend the afternoon.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    Pun Intended: Caution - Eye rolls ahead!

    • Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!
    • Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.
    • Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
    • This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.
    • I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
    • I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
    • I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
    • I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
    • I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.
    • I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
    • Broken pencils are pointless.
    • What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
    • Velcro - what a rip off!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    David Plank: David passed away February 18, 2025.  David, along with his wife Beth, has been a member of our PROBUS club since 2001. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Beth and their family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    Never make major decisions, when you are in the midst of a storm!
    David Collins

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • February 04, 2025 9:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    In February, we are truly deep into winter, with cold winds, blowing snow, and driveways to clear every few days. However, on the positive side, both town and country are beautiful, clothed in soft mounds of white, while the days are slowly growing longer; soon we’ll see if Wiarton Willie's prediction of an early spring will come to pass! Skiing and snowshoeing conditions are perfect this year and the horse-drawn sleigh rides at Valley Ridge Farm on February 19 should be magical. Do get out if you can, even for a short walk from time to time, and celebrate our majestic Canadian winters.

    This month we are bringing on many new members to the Club, thanks to Membership Co-chairs Pam and Kathy, while some existing members have chosen to leave the fold. These new friends-to-be will be warmly welcomed at the Newcomer’s Luncheon, held before the February general meeting. More details to be found below.

    Management Committee—Volunteers Needed 
    Brian Cromie, President

    Management Committee Openings:
    Treasurer: We are still looking for a new Treasurer, as Lynn steps aside to allow more time for involvement in the Activity groups, while George continues as Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer should have some experience in finance, bookkeeping or other related business. If you are interested in the role, please get in touch with me before the end of February!

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    New Member Badges and Luncheon – February 25 
    Over the past six months, we’ve welcomed nearly 90 new members to our club! With so many fresh faces, it’s helpful to wear your PROBUS badge during activities and events. Starting at the February 28 meeting, new members can pick up their badges at the Membership table.

    If you’ve been a member for a while and have yet to pick up your badge, don’t worry—we’ve been holding onto it for you! Just stop by the table to grab it. We also offer badge replacement (for a small fee) and repairs.

    New Member Luncheon We’ll be hosting a special luncheon for just our new members prior to the February 25 meeting in the small meeting room. If you arrive early for the regular meeting, please be patient and wait in the large meeting area until the luncheon concludes. See you there!

    February Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

    Speaker:   Bruce King and Valerie Jones
    Title:   Kolapore Trails and Kolapore Wilderness

    Bruce King spent his career with the Ontario government, focusing on Crown land and provincial park planning. A highlight of his career was serving as Project Manager for the task force that led to the creation of Rouge Park in Toronto. He was also the principal author of the 1999 Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, which established numerous new protected areas, and contributed to the development of Ontario’s Guide for Crown Land Use Planning. In 1973, while still a university student, Bruce was one of the founders of the Kolapore Wilderness Trails, and he has continued to work on the trails ever since. He and his wife, Valerie Jones, reside in the Kolapore area. In 2023, they jointly received the Town of Blue Mountain’s Volunteer Award in the Sports and Recreation category, recognizing their long-term commitment to both the Kolapore Trails and the Bruce Trail.

    Over 50 years ago, a small group of university students, inspired to create the Kolapore Trails network at the southern end of the Town of Blue Mountains, began building what would become an important community asset. Bruce King was part of that founding group and will share the evolution of the trails, from their humble beginnings as a rustic network for a small group of backcountry skiers to their current status as a popular year-round destination. Kolapore is now the largest block of protected wilderness in the region. In his talk, Bruce will highlight some of the area's important natural values and offer recommendations on how to explore and enjoy the Kolapore area.

    Book Exchange:
    The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

    Canadian National Film Day Survey:
    Click on our Survey to choose which great Canadian movie to see at our April 22 Meeting! The movie that gets the most votes will be the one screened! It's a close race, so make sure to take the 1-question survey if you haven't already!

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    We had such a great response to the Valley Ridge Sleigh Ride that we were able to add a third ride! The Games Afternoon was a lot of fun, and we had so many people asking for us to do it again that we're making it happen!

    Keep an eye on your email for another Games Afternoon later this winter. Your Social Committee (Sandy Tulloch, Susan Jemmett, Cheryl Ross, Glen Downey, Mary Ann Collins-Williams, and myself) are busy planning a variety of events for the year ahead. Be sure to watch the Grapevine and your email for updates, and please feel free to share any suggestions you have!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    We’ve posted two exciting trips for 2025 on our website for you to explore! Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.

    Please see the flyers for all the details!

    We’re still looking for more people to join our small-group Northern Italy tour in October. For details, check out the flyer above or contact Brenda at 705-444-1161.

    We’re also organizing an Agawa Canyon Fall Tour from September 30 - October 3, which will take us north via Tobermory and return through Sudbury. Stay tuned for more details and pricing!

    Lastly, we’re thrilled to announce an exciting Morocco tour planned for April 2026 – more info coming soon!

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    So far, winter enthusiasts have been blessed with lots of snow and temperatures cold enough to make more. The skiers and snowshoers among us are experiencing near-perfect conditions, a nice change from last year! For those who prefer to watch the snow from inside, there are many groups to join, socialize and play games or discuss books. We are starting to think about the activity fair; if you have an idea for an activity that you would like to start and showcase at the activity fair, please contact me and I can help get you started. This is your PROBUS club; the more activities offered, the more fun we have! Get active, join a group or start a new one!

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Wednesday, February 19 Luncheon at The Curly Willow Eatery in Collingwood were sent out on February 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up for the group and receive the invitations!

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Wednesday, February 19 @ 11:30 am Luncheon – The Curly Willow Eatery, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, March 19 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Wednesday, April 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - Copper Blues Bar & Grill, Blue Mountain Village 
    • Thursday, May 8 @ 5 pm Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
    • Wednesday, June 18 @ 5 pm Dinner – Mylar & Loretta, Singhampton

    Euchre 1 & Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Monthly tournaments are now being held on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month in the downstairs Great Hall at St. George’s Anglican Church, 166 Russell St. E., Clarksburg. There is ample parking, an elevator and a spacious room. Invitations are sent out on the first of each month.

    • Upcoming Tournament: Tuesday, February 11 @ 1 PM
    • High Scores January 14:  Euchre 1 - David Z.,  Intermediate – Rod M.

    Nancy Dixon

    Well, we’re back at it! Welcome to our new members. If you’d like to join our rambling group of incredibly enjoyable walkers, just sign-up for the Ramblers Activity group and you’ll start receiving emails about our latest walks. If you love the outdoors, hiking, great conversations, and plenty of jokes, you’re our kind of people. It can be cold, but if you dress for skiing, you’ll be fine. Looking forward to getting to know all of you Ramblers!

    John White and Louis Charland

    We had a good turnout for our January lunch at Studio 87 in Meaford. Sean McMurray joined us and updated us on his father Bill's health. Sadly, our ROMEO leader and friend, Bill McMurray, passed away peacefully on January 18, with family by his side. A celebration of life is planned for the spring. R.O.M.E.O. ("Retired Outstanding Men Eating Out") will continue with John White and Louis Charland as Activity Co-Coordinators. Our next get-together will be on Wednesday, February 12, at the Corner Café in Thornbury.

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    Ski Days: We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain from January 7 to March 26.. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Silver Bullet. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at one of the restaurants in the Village or at the Inn. We also ski at local Private Clubs on Tuesdays throughout the season. The remaining dates are:

    • Thursday, February 13, Devil's Glen -  $72 including Tax 
    • Thursday, February 27, Osler - $90 plus Tax

    Free Social Event: The end-of-season Legends Breakfast is on Wednesday, March 26, 8 - 11 am at Toronto Ski Club (north end of Blue). Come for breakfast and stay for one of our last Wednesday ski days! More details coming soon

    Skiis and Biikes - 15% off regular prices on winter soft goods until March 31. Toronto Ski Club - Discounted midweek membership (ski pass not included) Enjoy a private clubhouse experience while skiing or snowboarding midweek at Blue Mountain Resort for a discounted rate of only $299.00 (plus HST) seasonally. The TSC Midweek Membership is a great option for those who are 5x7 passholders at Blue Mountain Resort and want additional comfort and privacy away from the public.

    All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    The snowshoe group loves snow, and we’ve been blessed with plenty of it this year! We’ve enjoyed three outings so far: the first at the Beaver River Trail, heading north from Clarksburg, and the second at Clendenan Dam for a moonlight trek. Sandy T. kindly invited everyone back to her home for a potluck dinner after the trek, providing a great opportunity to socialize after the exercise. For our third outing, the group trekked through deep snow and took in the breathtaking views from Raymond and Kath G's property, which overlooks the valley. To top it off, we were treated to warm apple cider and homemade cookies in their cozy home afterward. There are more snowshoe outings planned for the coming weeks, weather permitting. Please keep an eye out for the emails and get out to enjoy the snow!

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say? Here are some questionable newspaper headlines!

    Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors - Boy, are they tall!

    New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group - Weren't they fat enough?!

    Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers - Now that's taking things a bit far!

    Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges - You mean there's something stronger than duct tape?

    Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over - What a guy! 

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in February. There is lots to do, even in winter!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Bill McMurray founder of our R.O.M.E.O. activity group, passed away on January 18. His passing has deeply affected our PROBUS community and we extend our sincere condolences to his family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is therefore not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • January 07, 2025 5:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    January is the month when we put the busy holiday season into perspective: the parties, get-togethers with family and friends, and the special events that mark the occasion. Now, we can turn to our regular activities, including all that your Beaver Valley Probus Club has to offer. For more active members, skiing and snow shoeing are available when there is snow, which has just returned to our area. However, for many, indoor activities appeal more when the weather is less inviting. Regular groups include various dining opportunities, book clubs, euchre, Mah jongg, Rummikub, Stitch-n-Bitch and others. There is much from which to choose. However, if an Activity is already fully subscribed, consider starting a new group. Or, if your favorite hobby is not represented, why not start a new Activity Group? PROBUS is about connecting with other like-minded individuals, and the best way to do that is to get personally involved. You’ll be very glad you did.

    Management Committee—Volunteers Needed 
    Brian Cromie, President

    Management Committee Openings:
    Your Management Committee, which plans and directs Probus life at Beaver Valley, needs a few members to fill key roles for 2025. If you are interested in either of the roles below, please get in touch with me before the end of January! 

    Vice President: Specifically, we are looking for a Vice President to work with incoming President Kirby, and then to become President the following year. This arrangement is meant to give the incumbent a good introduction to how the Club operates so they are prepared for the following year. Personally, I can attest to how rewarding the work of the Management Committee is, what strong support members provide each other, and what a great way it is to make new and lasting friendships.

    Treasurer: We are also looking for a new Treasurer, as Lynn steps aside to allow more time for involvement in the Activity groups, while George continues as Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer should have some experience in finance, bookkeeping or other related business. 

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    Annual Membership Renewal Summary (Dec 1 – 15):
    We are pleased to report that our 2025 membership renewal drive, held from December 1 to 15, was a great success. This year, we experimented with a more compact renewal timeline, and we appreciate everyone who responded so quickly.

    Key Results:

    • 89% of members renewed before the deadline
    • 2% of members notified us that they would not be renewing 
    • 9% of members failed to respond. This means their membership will be automatically terminated on January 31.
      If you intended to renew but were not able to, please contact Pam Weaver ASAP at
    Thank you again to all who renewed; we look forward to another great year ahead.

    New Member Review for 2025: During the month of January, we will be reviewing applications from the nearly 100 individuals currently on the Wait List. As is our standard procedure, applications will be processed in the order in which they were received and Memberships offered based on available openings.

    January Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

    Speaker: Sandra Sullivan
    Title: Hospice Georgian Triangle

    Sandra Sullivan is the Executive Director of the Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting compassionate, end-of-life care for individuals and families in the towns of The Blue Mountains, Collingwood, Clearview, and Wasaga Beach. With a deep commitment to community service and a passion for making a meaningful impact, Sandra leads the Foundation’s efforts to raise funds, build awareness, and ensure the sustainability of hospice programs and services. Sandra brings extensive experience in nonprofit leadership, strategic fundraising, and community engagement. She has a proven track record of fostering partnerships and mobilizing resources to enhance the quality of care for those in need. Under her leadership, the Foundation continues to provide vital support to Hospice Georgian Triangle, ensuring access to palliative care, grief and bereavement support, and educational initiatives that benefit the entire community.

    Prior to laying down roots in Collingwood, Sandra was the Director of Strategic Events for UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, and head of Community Engagement for North York General Hospital Foundation. She has worked as a reporter for Bloomberg news and started her career in finance in institutional fixed income for a leading Canadian investment dealer and bank. She has served on the North York General Hospital Foundation Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the TFS Canada’s International School (Toronto French School). 

    Book Exchange:
    The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    Your Social Committee has been hard at work planning events for 2025, with considerable input from the Social Events Survey that so many of you filled out. Thank you.

    • January 12 - Board Games: We are starting the year off with an afternoon Board Games event. It is not too late to register--space is still available!
    • February 19 - Sleigh Ride: Last year's Valley Ridge Family Farm sleigh ride was so much fun that we are doing it again! It will be on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 19. Watch your email later this month for the invitation. 

    Don't forget to take a look at the Holiday Luncheon photos!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    We have 3 trips for 2025 posted on our website for your perusal. Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.

    Please see the flyers for all the details!

    The 20-24 minimum has almost been achieved for the Portugal / Madeira trip with direct nonstop flights. We just need a  few more passengers so we can commit! Call Gloria at 705-429-9455 for info and booking.

    We are also organizing an Agawa fall trip and plan on offering a small group trip in the spring 2026 to Morocco.

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    Now that winter has arrived, those of us who like to play in the snow are getting excited to go skiing, and snowshoeing. Given the recent snowfall, it looks like these activities will start soon, if they haven't already. Activities such as games, book clubs and dining took a break during December, but are now ready to restart. Thanks to all of our volunteers for organizing and/or leading a group. This is what makes our club so successful. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with an established activity group, or start a new one. Contact Ilene if you wish to volunteer. Remember that your PROBUS club is much more fun if you participate!

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Casual Dining With Friends
    Sallie Kedwell

    Happy new year to all. Unfortunately our annual holiday cocktail get together planned for December 12 had to be cancelled due to a snowstorm that made travel impossible. However the good news is our first dinner is planned for January 23. With winter weather in mind we will plan simultaneous lunch or dinner choices for the same day and our group members can choose which they prefer to attend and or to host. Invitations will be out on January 6 and we look forward to a catch-up after our December disappointment.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Wednesday, January 15 Luncheon at Georgian Bay Family Restaurant in Collingwood were sent out on January 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up for the group and receive the invitations!

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Wednesday, January 15 @ 12 noon Luncheon – Georgian Bay Family Restaurant, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, February 19 @ 11:30 am Luncheon – The Curly Willow Eatery, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, March 19 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Wednesday, April 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - Copper Blues Bar & Grill, Blue Mountain Village 
    • Thursday, May 8 @ 5 pm Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
    • Wednesday, June 18 @ 5 pm Dinner – Mylar & Loretta, Singhampton

    Euchre 1 & Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    The monthly tournaments are now playing on the 2nd Tuesday afternoon of the month in the downstairs great hall at St. George’s Anglican Church, 166 Russell St. E., Clarksburg. Ample parking, elevator available and spacious room. Invitations are sent out on the 1st of each month.

    Upcoming Tournament: Tuesday,  January 14 @ 1PM
    High Scores: November 12 – David Z, December 5 - Sharon C., Sam F., Rod M.

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    Our members enjoyed a wonderful assortment of holiday treats for our last game day of 2024. Many thanks to Adele for arranging everything. Please note: For January and February, we will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday (1:30 – 3:30 pm) at St George’s Anglican Church, Clarksburg. March – June locations TBD. Training sessions will resume on January 14, 2025. Location TBD. Join us to learn or improve your game. Click here to see the Mah jongg photo album.

    Nancy Dixon

    Looks like we may not have good enough weather for our Rambles until mid-January.  Weather permitting, we will do a walk on Friday, January 17.  As usual, it will be disclosed in our invite. Remember to wear your winter clothing and boots with good tread and/or ice cleats, as we do walk when it is snowing. Looking forward to a great New Year.  

    Mary Jansen, Pat Whittemore

    We started this new activity group in mid-September and have had well-attended sessions, which I have enjoyed hosting at my home in Meaford. We started playing by the current rules and scoring, but we decided as a group not to score anymore and just have fun! We also started playing the game by not just laying our tiles down horizontally but vertically in connecting groups. This made the games go faster and more fun! As time goes on, and if there are enough members on the waiting list for a particular date, we have a plan in place where I will contact the members on the list and direct them to another unit in my building where Pat will host!  

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    The ski season has begun! Have you been out yet?
    Ski Days: We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain from January 7 to March 26.. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Silver Bullet. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at one of the restaurants in the Village or at the Inn.

    • Thursday, January 9, Alpine $78 plus Tax 
    • Thursday, January 16, Craigleith $95 including Tax 
    • Thursday, January 23, Osler $90 plus Tax 
    • Thursday, January 30, Georgian Peaks $80 including Tax 
    • Thursday, February 13, Devil's Glen $72 including Tax 
    • Thursday, February 27, Osler $90 plus Tax
    Skiis and Biikes - 15% off regular prices on winter soft goods until March 31. Toronto Ski Club - Discounted midweek membership (ski pass not included) Enjoy a private clubhouse experience while skiing or snowboarding midweek at Blue Mountain Resort for a discounted rate of only $299.00 (plus HST) seasonally. The TSC Midweek Membership is a great option for those who are 5x7 passholders at Blue Mountain Resort and want additional comfort and privacy away from the public.

    All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    What do you call a petite Mom?  Minimum!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in January. There is lots to do, even in winter!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Ann Smith passed away on November 11, 2024. Our sincere sympathy goes out to her husband, Peter and family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.  Mark Twain

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • November 06, 2024 1:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    November is often a difficult transition month, weather-wise, as we mourn the passing of summer and autumn and haven’t yet embraced the joys of winter. Winter is a special time in this playground of snow, where skiing, snowshoeing and other cold-weather sports offer themselves to those who cherish the great outdoors. In BVPC, we have activities for all, both outdoors and in, year-round; if health permits, there should never be a day when you find yourself home alone when what you seek is good companionship. In October, our dedicated volunteer activity coordinators put on 34 events in a month of 31 days. Expect something similar for November. PROBUS exists to provide social opportunities to seniors who wish to stay active, engaged and involved with friends in fun activities. Your participation will keep you young!

    Membership Renewal - New Dates
    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer


    The timeline for our Membership Renewal Drive has been shortened to just two weeks, running from December 1 to December 15.  Please note that this will be the only opportunity to renew your membership for the upcoming year.

    NOTICE: No reminder calls! We aren't going to make any reminder calls this year. You need to contact us if you need help! Remember, you can always access your member information anytime, from anywhere in the world, through our PROBUS website. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. As always, help will be available upon request.

    November Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

    Speaker: Dave Alexander
    Title: Local military troops and their role in WWII

    Dave Alexander was a long-time teacher of history and geography at the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Upon retirement, he completed a master’s degree focused on military history through the Tri-University Program. In 2014, Alexander, along with his colleague Ryan McManaman, were recipients of the Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching. Dave is an independent researcher with a keen interest in military history including the Canadian war experience. He is a volunteer at both Grey Roots Museum and Archives and the Billy Bishop Museum.

    The Dashed Hopes of the 26th Army Tank Regiment during the Second World War: “The Grey and Simcoe Foresters were no more…” There were high hopes for the Grey and Simcoe Foresters (G&SF) when they were mobilized for the Canadian Active Service Force in June of 1940. They would play a role in the war being fought overseas. After completing much training and garrison duties in Canada, the G&SF were redesignated as the 26th Army Tank Regiment (26th ATR) being attached to the 2nd Canadian Army Tank Brigade in early 1942. They would fight this war in tanks! As fate would have it when they arrived overseas in the United Kingdom in June 1943, they were disbanded and their personnel transferred to other units of the First Canadian Army. This talk will examine this history and what happened to the personnel of the 26th ATR (G&SF).

    Book Exchange:
    The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

    PROBUS Canada 

    One of the benefits of being a PROBUS member is the availability of group insurance plans. A week ago, our insurance representative gave a helpful presentation via Zoom. He reviewed the insurance plans available for Extended Health Care, Dental & Prestige Travel plans, MEDOC Travel Insurance, and Trip Cancellations.

    If you would like to view the recording of the presentation, please click here. You can also view the details of the plans on the PROBUS Canada website:

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    Upcoming Event Dates:
    • Friday, November 8: Bowling, Georgian Bowl, Collingwood
    • Tuesday, December 10: Annual Holiday Luncheon, Alpine Ski Club
    • Thursday, December 12: Alice in Wonderland: The Panto

    Don't forget to take a look at the Fall Colours Car Rally photos!

    Social Committee Surveys: 

    Many thanks to the 123 members who responded to our recent Picnic Survey. Your answers and many comments were very helpful to the Management Committee, and we appreciate the time you took to respond. Based on the result, we decided that there was really no one solution that would appeal to the significant majority of our members, so next year we are planning two special summer events (and we hope many of you will want to attend both). The first will be an old-fashioned outdoor picnic, with games, at a location to be finalized. You will be able to bring your own picnic lunch. We will also look into having a food truck so that you can purchase your lunch if you prefer. This will be at our traditional time in mid-July.

    The second event, likely at the beginning of September, will be a late afternoon, early evening dinner and "barn dance" . We will be looking into caterers and this will be indoors and outdoors. Even if you opt not to join in the dancing, the food, ambiance, and music, along with socializing with your fellow members should be a fun evening for all.

    We look forward to seeing you all at our Holiday Luncheon at Alpine on December 10th. Please note that the Games Night, originally planned for November 21st, will now be held in January (date to be determined)

    2025 Social Events Survey: We have had 220 responses so far, but If you haven't already responded to the 2025 Social Events Survey, it's not too late to pick the Top 5 events you would like to see happen next year!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    We have 3 new trips for 2025 posted on our website for your perusal. Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.

    Please see the flyers for all the details!

    We need at least 20 people from the Georgian Bay PROBUS Clubs to join the group trip to Portugal and Madeira, by mid-December in order to proceed. The trip has a very comprehensive itinerary and the airline will be a direct charter flight.  

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    We have had a beautiful fall, and were able to enjoy the colours while walking, hiking, cycling and enjoying time outdoors with the amazing scenery around us. Most warm weather activities are finished for another season, however indoor pursuits continue as we wait for snow sports. Thank you to all of the activity group leaders for organizing events; without you we wouldn't have the fun and socializing we enjoy as part of the PROBUS experience. Participate, stay active and make new friends!

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Casual Dining With Friends
    Sallie Kedwell

    We have enjoyed a lovely fall with well-attended dinners in both September and October. Our November dinner will be held on November 28th and as always we will require volunteer hosts for this event. Our annual holiday cocktail event will be held on December 12 at the home of Kate and Doug Simpson. With thoughts of the new year upon us, we are considering continuing our either/or lunch or dinner events for January and February and are currently circulating a questionnaire to gauge support for this concept. Both lunches and dinners (held on same day and attended on an either-or choice) were well supported last year and although snow/winter driving was not an issue, who knows what the weatherman will bring us this year.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Wednesday, November 20 Luncheon at Katherine’s Chateau in Collingwood were sent out on November 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up.

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Wednesday, November 20 @ 12 pm Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, January 15 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Corner Café, Thornbury

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments:

    • 1:00 PM at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury on Tuesday, November 12
    • 12:30 PM at St. George’s Church in Clarksburg on Thursday, December 5

    High Scores: October 8 – David Z. and  October 17 – Mae F.

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments:

    • 1:00 PM at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury on Tuesday, November 12
    • 12:30 PM at St. George’s Church in Clarksburg on Thursday, December 5

    Golf Group
    Brian Cromie

    This year we had great turnouts for our 27 Tuesday morning games at Tomahawk. From the course opening in April to closing at the end of October, we witnessed two holes in one, always an exciting event, much laughter and great fellowship among our golfers. People whom I didn’t know two years ago I can now count as real friends, which is what PROBUS is all about – staying active and making new friends – so we declare our golf activity group this year to have been a real success. Think about joining us next year!

    Vicki Kellar

    Our many Hiking group members, 133 at last count, participated in over 22 hikes during the 2024 season, but everything does come eventually to an end. Highlights this year included Hilt’s, Jones and Hogg’s Falls, a tour of the trails and pond on a member’s property, many lookouts and crevice caves plus several après hike lunches and coffees. Our final hike of 2024 was a first for most of the group: a volunteer from the Kimberley Forest led us up and down the escarpment on several of their many trails on the 850 acre site. Many thanks to Brian for the review of the history, present and possible future, plus some super “forest bathing”. A successful season wouldn’t occur without the participation of many enthusiastic hike leaders and the attendees who make it worthwhile. The Hiking Group offers our sincere appreciation. Don't forget to take a look at the latest Hiking Photos!

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    Instructional Tutorials have resumed for new and existing members of our Mah jongg activity group. These are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from1:30 - 4:00 pm. Beginners will be introduced to the National Mah Jongg League rules of play and the 2024 playing card. Experienced players are asked to attend so that they will learn our "table rules". You can attend as many future tutorials as needed. Existing members, who are relatively new to the American NMJL rules and/or are absent for more than two months, are encouraged to attend a tutorial session before returning to regular games. Any member who wishes to improve their playing level is welcome to attend the tutorials as well.

    Money Matters
    Rod Innes

    The November meeting will be hosted by Hank Bouwman who has kindly offered to walk us through the creation of his “death book” – a compilation of his family’s financial affairs for use after he has shuffled off. The book will allow easy access to all they and his executors need to know at a trying and emotional time. Such a record is something we should all have. We anticipate many will want to join us for this Money Matters Activity. Look for the invitation in early November. All MMG meetings are held at St. George’s Anglican Church, 1:30 to 3:30, on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

    Nancy Dixon

    After a short hiatus, we are back. Our Ramblers enjoyed a wonderful Saturday at Coffin Ridge Vineyard and Winery October 19. The fall colours were amazing. We enjoyed our walk through the vineyard, the wood-fired pizza and some of us sampled the wine. My favourite is the Pink Cider. We will continue our Ramblers when the weather permits, as l will never make you walk in a blizzard. Thanks to all my Ramblers who have kept me going throughout the year. Hoping to get a group to visit Creemore soon.

    Mary Jansen, Pat Whittemore

    We started this new activity group in mid-September and have had well-attended sessions, which I have enjoyed hosting at my home in Meaford. We started playing by the current rules and scoring, but we decided as a group not to score anymore and just have fun! We also started playing the game by not just laying our tiles down horizontally but vertically in connecting groups. This made the games go faster and are more fun! As time goes on, and if there are enough members on the waiting list for a particular date, we have a plan in place where I will contact the members on the list and direct them to another unit in my building where Pat will host!  

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    We are counting down until the snow flies and the lifts turn! This just in, details to be confirmed - Special pricing for a midweek membership at Toronto Ski Club for Legends members! Gives you access to the chalet at the North end of Blue, you must still purchase a ski pass at the regular price. Come to our December Social Event (TBC) to find out all the details!

    • Sun Peaks BC (7 nights), February 2 - 9. SOLD OUT. If you are still interested in going on this trip, please JOIN THE WAITLIST by completing the application form. You never know when someone may need to cancel.
    • Banff/Lake Louise (7 nights), March 2 - 9. Stay in the fabulous Chateau Lake Louise and Banff Springs Hotel! Only 10 spots left! Deadline to register is December 1, after which all unsold space must be released.
    For the latest information, download the trip flyers and get the registration links, please check the Legends website: 

    Ski Days:
    We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain (meet at 9:30 AM at the Silver Bullet) from January 7 to March 26. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at different restaurants in the Village and the Inn. We also ski at the local Private Clubs on 6 Thursdays throughout the season.

    • Thursday, January 9, Alpine $78 Plus Tax 
    • Thursday, January 16, Craigleith $95 Including Tax 
    • Thursday, January 23, Osler $90 Plus Tax 
    • Thursday, January 30, Georgian Peaks $80 including Tax 
    • Thursday, February 13, Devil's Glen $72 including Tax 
    • Thursday, February 27, Osler $90 Plus Tax
    Social Event: December 4: Skiis and Biikes Wine & Cheese Shopping Spree

    All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in November. There is lots to do, now that Autumn is here!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Ward Fowler passed away on Monday, September 30, 2024. Our condolences to his wife, Lou and family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    The farther back you look, the farther forward you are likely to see.
    Winston Churchill

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • October 06, 2024 7:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    If you’re like me, despite having tried to wring as much out of the summer as possible, it never lasts long enough. The good news is that there is still lovely fall weather in which to cherish the great outdoors; our Club had 45 events and activities on offer in September, and October already has over 20 more scheduled. I hope you can participate in some of these, not only for the exercise, but for the fun and fellowship of enjoying life with your fellow members. The snow-based and indoor activities will soon enough call us to join in.

    The Fall Car Rally is back after a gap of more than 10 years. This easy route should feature beautiful fall colours and scenic views of the Beaver Valley. Hopefully, no one will get lost.

    We also celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, and give thought to the many benefits of living in this special part of the province, surrounded by unspoiled nature and wonderful people.

    Membership Renewal - New Dates
    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    We have new dates for this year's renewal drive. 
    December 1 - December 15

    We have shortened the time period for our renewal drive from two months to two weeks. The previous renewal length created a high volume of unnecessary work for our volunteers, who had to followup repeatedly, as members forgot to renew.

    The online renewal process is quite straight-forward. Our website has shown itself to be an excellent, user-friendly tool to manage member records. Our members are able to access their information on the website at any time of day, from anywhere in the world.

    Since renewals can be made only during this shortened period, we ask that you keep these dates in mind. We will, of course, publish frequent reminders as the dates get closer. As always, help will be available upon request..

    October Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

    Speaker: Chris Pocock (Beaver Valley PROBUS Member)
    Title: Overcoming Obstacles That Prevent Physical Activity

    Throughout my life, I have enjoyed the health benefits derived from participating in physical activity. I participated in endurance sport competitions including marathons, triathlons, adventure racing, cycling and rowing in my fifties and sixties. After forty-five years of working in the Canadian Finance industry, I retired at the age of seventy and then returned to Graduate School to research the relationship between healthy aging and physical activity. My Master’s thesis explored the questions, “What strategies do older adults use to overcome obstacles both before and during participating in physical activities, and when do they use these strategies?” I will discuss a number of these strategies and hopefully, they will help you overcome similar obstacles during your participation in physical activities or other types of activities. As a point of interest, the average age of the participants in this study was sixty-seven years old.

    Book Exchange:
    The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

    PROBUS Members Benefit: Group Insurance Plans
    Zoom Presentation: October 9 @1:00 - 2:00 PM

    PROBUS Canada has negotiated Group rates for voluntary plans for all PROBUS members. Benefits available to PROBUS Canada members through Johnson and belairdirect (i.e. Home Insurance, Auto Insurance, MEDOC Travel Insurance, Extended Health Care (EHC) with optional Prestige Travel Insurance, Dental Care, and stand-alone Trip Cancellation & Interruption Travel Insurance). If you are interested to learn more you are welcome to attend the Zoom presentation: 

    Topic: Insurance Benefits for PROBUS Canada Members
    Date: Oct 9, 2024
    Time: 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern Time

    See your emailed newsletter for the link to join!

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    Save the Dates:

    • Tuesday, October 15: Fall Colors Car Rally - SOLD OUT
    • Friday, November 8: Bowling, Georgian Bowl, Collingwood
    • Thursday, November 21: Board Games Night, Christ Church, Meaford
    • Tuesday, December 10: Annual Holiday Luncheon, Alpine Ski Club

    Social Committee: Your new Social Committee has been hard at work, already planning new events for next year! They are looking for input from you—so be on the lookout for surveys in October and November. 

    Summer Picnic Feedback Survey
    Last year's picnic at Alpine was our third in a row. Attendance was a little lower than in prior years, so we are now looking at alternatives. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and give us your thoughts!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    We have 3 new trips for 2025 posted on our website for your perusal. Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.

    Please see the flyers for all the details!

    We need at least 20 people from the Georgian Bay PROBUS Clubs to join the group trip to Portugal and Madeira, by mid December in order to proceed. The trip has a very comprehensive itinerary and the airline will be a direct charter flight.  

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    Our PROBUS members have been enjoying a variety of activities this summer—both outdoors and indoors. We are so fortunate to have the lake, rivers and the escarpment to play in. Although some of these activities are coming to an end, we look forward to fall, with new experiences and the beautiful changing colours of the leaves. Enjoy the activities this autumn season brings!

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking
    Liz Goodall / Karen Thompson

    The Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking activity group had an adventurous season. We explored Isaac Lake, Boat Lake, part of the Rankin River, the Fishing Islands, Sauble River, Saugeen River, Hines Lake, Robson Lake, Clarkes Lake and the Beaver River. Every outing provided new scenery, challenges and friendships. Check out the Challenging Canoeing& Kayaking slideshow to see some photos from a fun season!

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Monday, October 7 Turkey Dinner at 5 pm at Marilyn’s Restaurant were sent out on September 23 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. Invitations for our October 16 dinner at 5 pm at The Huron Club will be sent out on October 8. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up.

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Monday, October 7 @ 5 pm Special Family Style Thanksgiving Dinner – Marilynne, Markdale
    • Wednesday, October 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - The Huron Club, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, November 20 @ 12 pm Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, January 15 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Corner Café, Thornbury

    Bill McMurray

    Our next R.O.M.E.O. gathering will be held on Wednesday, October 9 @ 12:00 pm at The Port Tavern in Thornbury. Please respond to the invitation that was sent out last week to register.

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments at 1:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury: Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday, October 17. 
    High Scores:
    September 10 – George C. 56 points in 56 hands
    September 19 – Hank B. 43 points in 48 hands

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments at 1:00 pm. at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury: Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday, October 17
    High Score: September 10 - Joan W. 40 points in 48 hands

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    Instructional Tutorials have resumed for new and existing members of our Mah jongg activity group. These are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from1:30 - 4:00 pm. Beginners will be introduced to the National Mah Jongg League rules of play and the 2024 playing card. Experienced players are asked to attend so that they will learn our "table rules". You can attend as many future tutorials as needed. Existing members, who are relatively new to the American NMJL rules and/or are absent for more than two months, are encouraged to attend a tutorial session before returning to regular games. Any member who wishes to improve their playing level is welcome to attend the tutorials as well.

    Money Matters
    Rod Innes

    The Money Matters group continues to meet monthly, to discuss a broad range of money matters, all featuring helpful information for managing this important ingredient in our lives. In September, we discussed whether having a financial advisor is necessary, what can be expected from one and what our obligations to him or her are, for their advice to be most helpful. We also discussed what to look for in a financial advisor – fee-based or free; profit based or non-profit and much more. It was a very lively meeting! Our next meeting is October 10. It is not too late to join us—just go to the Money Matters activity page and sign-up! You’ll be most welcome!

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    The 2025 Legends Ski Trips are selling fast: 

    • Sun Peaks BC (7 nights), February 2 - 9. SOLD OUT, except space for 1 male sharing with another male already registered. Deadline to register is October 12. If you are still interested in going on this trip, please JOIN THE WAITLIST by completing the application form. You never know when someone may need to cancel.
    • Banff/Lake Louise (7 nights), March 2 - 9. Stay in the fabulous Chateau Lake Louise and Banff Springs Hotel! Only 10 spots left! Deadline to register is December 1, after which all unsold space must be released.
    For the latest information, download the trip flyers and get the registration links, please check the Legends website: All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in October. There is lots to do, now that Autumn is here!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Thomas Paech: Tom passed away on September 19. Our deepest sympathies go out to his wife Yvonne and family.

    Ann Cox: Dr. Felicity C. 'Ann' Cox passed away on September 24. We offer our sincere condolences to Ann's family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    “The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.” Bill Watterson

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • September 07, 2024 8:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    Summer is definitely drawing to a close, and while we may not be involved in getting children back to school, I’m sure all of us are thinking about new activities and opportunities that come with the cooler temperatures. But looking back first to the fine summer we just enjoyed, we must recognize the wonderful array of events that our PROBUS Club undertook between June and August. A total of 144 indoor and outdoor activities took place, with only a few rescheduled due to weather or other unavoidable causes. Much credit goes to our Activity Coordinators and Social Committee for their dedication, leadership and hard work, and to our members who validate these groups by participating. Thank you all for making the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club such a vital and supportive group for seniors in our area.

    In June of this year, your PROBUS Management Committee voted to discontinue the popular 50/50 Draw that has been part of our monthly meetings for many years. This follows advisement by PROBUS Canada that such draws require a provincial or municipal gaming license, which generally is not available to non-charitable organizations such as ours and to continue holding the Draw would be knowingly illegal. Alternatives are being examined and are expected to be in place soon. In the interim, we owe sincere thanks to Hank and Elaine Bouwman for faithfully managing the Draw for many years.

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    Welcome to our 9 new members who joined us effective August 1, 2024. Most quickly and enthusiastically jumped into the flow of activities already in process! Name badges for these new members will be available for pickup at the Membership table during the September meeting. Also, members who have ordered replacement badges can pick them up as well.

    September Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting Begins:  1:30 PM
    Speaker: John Ota

    Title: "The Kitchen"

    Hear how Mr. Ota has researched the kitchens of many famous people in the pursuit of the ultimate kitchen! John Ota is all about food, architecture and history. He is the author of “The Kitchen”, the best-selling book about his journey through history in search of the perfect design. “The Kitchen” book was a finalist for the 2021 Paris Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in the Design Category and was a finalist for the 2021 Taste Canada Awards. John has degrees from the University of Toronto and the Schools of Architecture at Columbia University and the University of British Columbia. He has worked in architecture offices in Toronto, New York and Vancouver. John has chaired the awards committee of the Ontario Association of Architects, served on the Toronto Historical Board and been a guest critic at the Toronto Metropolitan University School of Architecture.

    Book Exchange: The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

    PROBUS Members Benefit: Group Insurance Plans
    Zoom Presentation: October 9 @1:00 - 2:00 PM

    PROBUS Canada has negotiated Group rates for voluntary plans for all PROBUS members. Benefits available to PROBUS Canada members through Johnson and belairdirect (i.e. Home Insurance, Auto Insurance, MEDOC Travel Insurance, Extended Health Care (EHC) with optional Prestige Travel Insurance, Dental Care, and stand-alone Trip Cancellation & Interruption Travel Insurance).

    Please see the email version of the Grapevine sent out on September 8, ff you are interested to learn more and need the Zoom details.

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    October 15: Fall Colours Car Rally—SAVE THE DATE:
    We are having a Car Rally, on Tuesday, October 15 (rain date October 18) You will be taking a roughly 90-minute leisurely drive (it is not a race) through the backroads of The Blue Mountains. Hopefully, we will have a beautiful sunny day, and the fall colours will be at their peak. After the rally, we will have a social get-together with prizes, and food and drink, at a location to be finalized. We will be able to have up to 20 cars participate, with a minimum of 2 people per car (one to concentrate on driving and one to give the directions, and look for the answers to all of the questions that you will be given). You can have as many as 5 people per vehicle (all PROBUS members please). So if you would like to join us, think ahead as to whom you will have in your car, so that you are ready to register when the invitation comes out later in September.

    September 12: John Sheard Homeward Bound Concert, Meaford Hall
    If you did not pick up your tickets at our June meeting already, I will be at the Hall a half hour before the show, so you can get your tickets from me then.

    Event No-Shows:
    As a courtesy to your fellow members, if you have registered for a social event, and for whatever reason cannot attend—even if it is at the last moment—please notify the event leader (whose name will appear on the invitation and reminder). For most of our events, there is a waiting list, so someone can be brought in to take your place (and for a paid event, to purchase your spot from you).

    Recently, we have had some no-shows that we were not notified about ahead of time, and it is unfair to those at the top of the waitlist to not get a chance to take their place. Thank you very much for your cooperation in giving as many of our members as possible, a chance to attend our events.

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    The Newfoundland trip in May was a great success. All the passengers loved it! The Norway program is about to commence. Now, we have 3 new trips for 2025 posted on our website for your perusal. Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.

    Please see the flyers for all the details!

    We hope for at least 20 people from the  Georgian Bay PROBUS Clubs to join the group trip to Portugal and Madeira, April 24 to May 10, 2025. We need commitments by mid-December to proceed. The airline will be a direct charter flight. It is a very comprehensive itinerary. 

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    It is hard to believe that summer is coming to a close, but there are many warm weather activities happening for the next few weeks. Members have been outdoors, cycling, walking, hiking, canoeing, golfing, playing soccer. As well, they have enjoyed games afternoons, and evenings, a variety of dining options, and interesting discussions about money and books. As you read through the details from the activity groups you will get a better ideas of the scope and variety of activities our PROBUS group offers. It’s never too late to join in a group. Have fun, participate, and make new friends! 

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Canoeing & Kayaking
    Kirby Philp, Lucie Desjardins, Glen Downey

    We have had another fun year on the water with several great paddles including the Beaver River, Lake Eugenia, Notawasaga River, Bells Lake and the Sauble River. There have been several new members that have joined our group this year and we have really enjoyed the comradery, beautiful nature and the post paddle picnic lunches. One more paddle will be scheduled for September 25 and we hope you can join us.

    Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking
    Liz Goodall / Karen Thompson

    The challenging canoeing and kayaking group has been out and about in Grey Bruce. Isaac Lake, Boat Lake, Fishing Islands, Saugeen River, Hines Lake, Robson Lake and the Beaver River. On each outing, we have had a small but enthusiastic group. We learned about removal of invasive Phragmites (grass) in Georgian Bay near the Fishing Islands from workers inspecting their success. Three people swam in the Beaver River, unintentionally. We bumped along over rocks and swifts on the Saugeen River. We slipped in and out of rivers on mud and ate lunch on the side of the water and occasionally had to run from rain. Along the way, we have seen turtles, herons, cormorants and kingfishers. There will be one more outing in September. Stay tuned for details.

    Casual Dining with Friends
    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith

    We enjoyed two very pleasant pot luck picnics in July and August thanks to our charming hosts the Zettler’s and the Churchill's. The weather cooperated and both events were well attended. Fall is on the cusp and we’re now ready to embark on our fall, winter, spring routine of smaller monthly group dinners to be held at our generous member's homes. We will need hosts for all of the upcoming events, except December and look forward to our members eagerly taking their turns at hosting. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month with the only exception being December when a total group cocktail party will be held on an earlier Thursday of the month. Looking ahead do save the date December 12 for the cocktail event. Looking forward to crossing paths with many of you over the next few months.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Invitations for our Wednesday, September 18 Buffet Dinner at 5 pm at Walter Falls Inn were sent out on September 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us--just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up.

    Future Dining Dates:

    • Wednesday, September 18 @ 5 pm Buffet Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
    • Monday, October 7 @ 5 pm Special Family Style Thanksgiving Dinner – Marilynne, Markdale
    • Wednesday, October 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - The Huron Club, Collingwood
    • Wednesday, November 20 @ 12 pm Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood

    Bill McMurray

    Our next R.O.M.E.O. gathering will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 12:00 pm at The Red Door in Meaford.

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments: Tuesday, September 10 and Thursday, September 19 at 1:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury

    Summer Tournament Winning Scores:
    June 11 – Beth W. 57 points in 56 hands played
    June 20 – Vicki K. 54 points in 56 hands played
    July 9 – George B. & John W. 42 points in 48 hands played
    July 25 – Pamela S. 48 points in 56 hands played
    August 13 – Mae F. 50 points in 56 hands played 

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Upcoming Tournaments: Tuesday, September 10 and Thursday, September 19 at 1:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury:
    Summer Tournament Winning Scores:
    June 11 – Ray G. 40 points in 48 hands played, Ruthann N. 43 points in 48 hands played
    June 20 – Elaine B. 45 points in 56 hands played
    July 9 – Bev. J. 35 points in 40 hands played
    July 25 – Laurie W. 31 points in 40 hands played
    Aug. 13 – Elaine B. 41 points in 40 hands played
    August 15 – Hank B. 44 in 56 hands played

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    Our group continued to play Mah Jongg throughout the summer, despite many members with travel plans. The Mah Jongg Group has grown in numbers and skill level since we created this activity group in 2023. Now, we often need 3+ tables of play on our game days, making it difficult to arrange to play in members’ homes. Some tables can play more than four games in an afternoon, as opposed to the 1-2 in our first months of meeting. Members can now be overheard explaining their strategies and giving friendly advice to newcomers. Laughter has always been part of our game days!

    Going forward, we will meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month in a member's home. (Volunteers, who have space for 3+ tables, will be arranged.) On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, we will meet at St George's Anglican Church in Clarksburg, which has a lovely room that can accommodate up to 5 tables of play. (Players are asked to make a $2 donation to the church in exchange for using the facility.) New members are always welcome. Introductory lessons will be available on the 2nd Tuesday of each month as needed; location TBD.

    Nancy Dixon

    We have been enjoying lots of walks this summer.  We even witnessed a great Sycamore trimming at the Clendenan Dam area and a talk by Tobias Ellinger, Tree Specialist.  We are looking forward to our fall trek to Coffin Ridge Winery, which will be planned for a Saturday so that our Ramblers can enjoy their favourite Pizzas at the same time as the fall colours.

    Recreational Cycling
    Mary Ann Collins-Williams, Ilene Rushefsky Charland, Mary Jansen

    The Recreational Cycling group has organized 12 sessions this season. We have cycled the Tay Shore Trail near Midland, a route around Leith in Owen Sound, Clearview Rail Trail from Nottawa to Stayner, trails around Collingwood and Wasaga Beach and quiet roads to various beaches in The Town of Blue Mountains. Our registrants have enjoyed lunches at the Leeky Canoe in Meaford and the Boathouse Eatery in Midland. We have had the pleasure of socializing in Ilene's and Mary Ann's homes with offerings of muffins, cookies, coffee/cold drinks as well as an opportunity for a swim in the Collins-Williams' pool! All-in-all it has been a fun season and we have plans for a couple of rides in September.

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    Registration for 2025 Legends Ski Trips is now open! PROBUS Ski Legends is running 2 ski trips in 2025: 

    • Sun Peaks BC (7 nights), February 2 - 9. Only 4 spots left, plus 1 male roommate needed. Deadline to register is October 12
    • Banff/Lake Louise (7 nights), March 2 - 9. Stay in the fabulous Chateau Lake Louise and Banff Springs Hotel! Only 10 spots left! Deadline to register is December 1
    For the latest information, download the trip flyers and get the registration links, please check the Legends website: All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Walking Soccer
    Nancy Dixon

    Thanks to all my walking soccer participants.  Believe it or not we are actually playing a good game. Scoring is increasing at an accelerated pace, but we have finally got it. All are welcome. Our season will close by Thanksgiving. Those of you wishing to be part of the draft for next year, please let me know.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in September. There is lots to do, now that Autumn is here!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Diane Parkin: Diane passed away June 6, 2024. Our deepest sympathies go out to her spouse Glen Downey and family.

    Marg Eldergill: Marg was one of our founding members. Our sincere condolences to her family.

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    'The real great man is the man who makes every man feel great.'
    Author G.K. Chesterton

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • June 04, 2024 9:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    As we welcome summer back to beautiful South Georgian Bay, your PROBUS Club is alive with activities and special events. Virtually every registered Activity has outings this month, on either land or water, outdoors and in; some 41 events were offered in May, and more than 20 are already on the calendar for June. This includes the many biking groups, hiking and rambling, golf at Tomahawk and the Annual Golf Tournament at Shelburne on June 18, Euchre, French conversation, dining opportunities, and a wide range of events like the Blue Mountain Film Festival, theatre in Penetanguishene, lawn bowling and more. You'll find all the details you need in the Grapevine, below.

    Your Club is a purely volunteer organization, run by caring volunteers for the benefit of its 600 members. We become stronger and more vital as a group when members actively participate in its events. If you have ideas and suggestions that you think would benefit the Club or would be willing to contribute a few hours to assist any of the more than 30 Activity Groups, please speak to one of the leaders and get fully engaged in PROBUS. We will all be better for it.

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    As we approach our mid-year Membership review in August, we could use the help of all our members. If you or a member you know of, has moved out of the area or has found they have scheduling conflicts that prevent them from participating in PROBUS activities or who just wants to step away from PROBUS, let us know. We have a very large number of applicants on our Waitlist who are anxious to become active members of our club.

    June Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting Begins:  1:30 PM

    Speaker: Luigi Calabrese

    Title: Trends in mobile devices, sensors and wearables, focusing on enabling seniors to age comfortably at home and privacy threats, hacking, and navigating the complexities of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) schemes to ensure seniors stay safe and empowered digitally.

    Luigi Calabrese, President of Frontier Networks Inc., is a seasoned leader in the tech and telecommunications industry, providing internet and phone services to businesses across North America. With a focus on advocating for older adults, Luigi collaborates closely with law enforcement agencies in Canada and the USA, including the CSIS, the RCMP, and Homeland Security, to combat fraud and vendor abuse targeting seniors. Luigi is a sought-after speaker, renowned for his ability to demystify technology and engage audiences with humour, while entertaining and informing.

    Book Exchange: The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years.

    Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time.

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    June 12: Rock of Ages, King's Wharf - 2 tickets available due to cancellations
    June 18: Golf Tournament
    - space available. Payment due by Friday, June 7
    July 3: Lawn Bowling and BBQ - space available
    July 18: Summer Picnic - Save the Date!
    August 15: Billy Bishop Goes to War / lunch, Meaford Hall - space available

    New Social Committee: Please welcome Susan J, Cheryl R, Sandy T and Mary Ann CW, who have volunteered to join me to make up the new Social Committee. With their help, we will continue to try to provide a varied and interesting array of social events for the Club. As always, your suggestions are welcome.

    No-Shows: As a courtesy to your fellow members, if you have registered for a social event, and for whatever reason cannot attend—even if it is at the last moment—please notify the event leader (whose name will appear on the invitation and reminder). For most of our events, there is a waiting list, so someone can be brought in to take your place (and for a paid event, to purchase your spot from you).

    Recently, we have had some no-shows that we were not notified about ahead of time, and it is unfair to those at the top of the waitlist to not get a chance to take their place. Thank you very much for your cooperation in giving as many of our members as possible, a chance to attend our events.

    King's Wharf Theatre Event - June 12, 2024
    Vicki Kellar

    Fans of ’80s arena hard rock music will dig this awesomely hilarious musical comedy that wails with big chords, big hair… and an even bigger heart.

    We have 2 tickets available—one of our members who registered can no longer attend. Please JOIN WAITLIST and contact Vicki Kellar for details.

    Annual Golf Tournament - June 18, 2024
    Golf Tournament Organizing Committee

    The invitations have gone out for the Annual Golf Tournament on Tuesday, June 18 at the Shelburne Golf and Country Club. This will be a 9 am Shotgun start, with registration at 8 am. The cost is $95 / person and includes 18 holes with a cart, followed by a lunch with prizes. 

    Payment is now due: The link to pay has been sent out on June 3 to those who reserved. There are still spots available, so register soon! The deadline to register and pay is Friday, June 7. This year we are welcoming non-member guests to join, so bring a friend!

    Summer Picnic - July 18, 2024
    Save the Date!

    Our Annual Summer Picnic will be held this year on Thursday, July 18 at the Alpine Ski Club. Please join us for a fun afternoon of food, drinks, games, sunshine (hopefully) and fellowship. Invitations to register will be sent out next week!

    Bocce Tournament—Volunteers Needed:

    This year, we would like to revive a longstanding tradition by reintroducing Bocce to the picnic, but to do this we need some volunteers to help organize the games and teach members who would like to participate, but who have not played before. We will also need the equipment! If you are able to help with this, please contact Don Collins-Williams.

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    For PROBUS members, family and friends who would like to travel with local people and create new friendships—GPTG, your travel group—is proceeding with the following trip:

    Norway Coastal Voyage: September 17 - 27, 2024. From Bergen to Trondheim. We would really like some more people to join this wonderful trip! Most of the members booked on this trip are travelling early, to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen...then taking the train back from Trondheim to Oslo. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455.

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland 

    Spring has brought out the action and involvement in us. It is time to dust off the gear and get outside! Our activity groups are in full swing! Check out the activities listed on our website or at the bottom of our newsletter; watch for email invitations from the activity groups you have signed up for and enjoy! In addition to all of the 'action groups', you can keep your mind engaged with our book clubs and games or just enjoy the company of friends while dining. (Note: If you have not received email invitations from activity groups that you have signed up for this year, check your 'junk mail'. They may be there.) It is not too late to sign up for most groups.

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Brian Cromie, Lucie Desjardins

    The PROBUS Birding Activity group met twice in the last few weeks with several dozen members on the lookout for birds. One event spotted 28 different species while the more recent one saw 29, including several quite uncommon sightings. Now that the spring migrants have paired up and started to raise their young, birds will be harder to spot and our outings will be less frequent until fall migration begins. Photos: Please see the latest photos on our Birding Slideshow.

    Canoeing & kayaking
    Kirby Philp, Lucie Desjardins, Glen Downey

    We kicked off our season with a great paddle on the Beaver River on May 29. It was a beautiful calm sunny day. We saw a beaver, turtles and several types of birds along the way. Check out our most recent photos. We welcome members to join us for our next paddle at Lake Eugenia on June 12.

    Challenging Canoeing & kayaking
    Liz Goodall / Karen Thompson

    Hello canoeing and kayaking enthusiasts. It is almost time to put the canoes and kayaks in the water. As soon as the temperature climbs, we will be scheduling our first outing in June. In the meantime, check your equipment and get ready for our first day. See you soon. 

    Casual Dining with Friends
    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith

    Our May get-together was on May 23 at four different homes, hosting a total of 33 guests. Our next gathering will be on June 27 at various hosts homes, in groups of 6, 8 or 10. We are planning full group picnics in the summer on July 25 and August 22. All in all things have been running smoothly with the assistance of our volunteer hosts. 

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town

    Invitations for our Monday, June 17 Dinner at 5 pm at Marilynne’s Restaurant in Markdale were sent out on June 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town.

    It’s not too late to join us—just go on-line to the Dining Around Town Activity Page to sign-up. Please see our future dining dates below:

    Monday, June 17: Family Style Dinner – Marilynne Restaurant, Markdale
    Friday, August 16: Annual Pizza Party – Justin’s Oven, Kimberley
    Wednesday, September 18: Buffet Dinner – Walter Falls
    Wednesday, October 16: Dinner - The Huron Club, Collingwood
    Wednesday, November 20: Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood

    Bill McMurray

    The next R.O.M.E.O. lunch will be on June 12 at The Red Door Restaurant in Meaford. Invitations will go out shortly to those who are signed-up for the Activity Group.

    Euchre Update
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our Intermediate Euchre and Euchre 1 group has grown to 70 members. We have booked a second play date each month starting in June in order to accommodate everyone. We will play on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and the 3rd Thursday of each month at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury.

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our next Euchre 1 tournament will be on Tuesday June 11 at 6:30 pm and Thursday June 20 at 1:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Our April 9 tournament was enjoyed by 36 members (9 tables) with Jean K. taking home bragging rights with a score of 53 after 56 hands played.

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our next Intermediate Euchre tournament will be on Tuesday June 11 at 6:30 pm and Thursday June 20 at 1:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury Christine F. claimed top spot for the afternoon on May 14 with a score of 44 after 48 hands played for the 1st. group. Susan G. claimed top spot for the afternoon on May 14 with a score of 27 after 32 hands played for the 2nd group.

    Mah jongg
    Judy Smith

    Our group is enjoying the convenience of playing Mah jongg at the Far Hills clubhouse. We are contracted with the condo board until the end of 2024. Our members have agreed to a $10 fee to cover the cost of replacing future card tables as needed. (Mah jongg members who paid through Euchre are not asked to pay again.) Game days are the 1st /3rd Tuesdays of the month - 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Email Hosts are assigned for coming game days; they will send out reminder emails to all active members. Introductory/Training sessions will still be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, as needed, in the instructor's home. We will continue playing Mah jongg throughout the summer months. New participants are always welcome. 

    Nancy Dixon

    Thanks again to all my Ramblers who walked the Georgian Trail with me, looking at the lilacs and clocking in over 7 kilometers.  Our recent walk was a Mystery Walk, starting at the Old Mail Road in Griersville. The Old Mail Road at Griersville is one of the only remaining Pioneer Roads in its original state.  I convinced our Ramblers to follow me to look for the old Euphrasia and St. Vincent side road, currently not travelled but still indicated on the map. Unfortunately, the road was too muddy to continue—so next time Ramblers—we will continue our search. All are welcome to try our group out for our next adventure.

    Recreational Cycling
    Mary Ann Collins-Williams, Ilene Rushefsky Charland, Mary Jansen

    We had a glorious sunny day for our first session. The bike ride started at the Craigleith Depot where the wonderful scent of lilacs filled the air. From the Depot we cycled 16 km to the intersection into Collingwood and back. On our return we all went to Mary Ann and Don's chalet for rhubarb muffins, cookies, and coffee while sitting on the sunny deck. It was a fun morning. The first Monday in June was perfect weather for our Session 3 bike ride. A group of us cycled 25 km. from Meaford to Thornbury and returned. A few of us enjoyed the social conversation over a nice lunch at The Leeky Canoe Pub in Meaford. For the summer we are planning cycle routes around Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, the rail trail to Stayner and possibly near Leith and the Tay Shore Trail. We are open to any suggestions and would encourage members to lead us on their favourite cycle route. 

    Ski Legends
    Chris Mifflin

    Registration for 2025 Legends Ski Trips is now open! PROBUS Ski Legends is running 2 ski trips in 2025: 

    • Sun Peaks BC (7 nights), February 2 - 9,.Only 10 spots left!
    • Banff/Lake Louise (7 nights), March 2 - 9. Stay in the fabulous Chateau Lake Louise and Banff Springs Hotel! 
    For the latest information, download the trip flyers and get the registration links, please check the Legends website: All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.

    Photo Corner
    Shared by Lucie Desjardins

    See the rest of the wonderful collection of photos in the 2024 Birding Slideshow!
    See also the latest Canoeing & Kayaking photos, Hiking photos, Nordic Pole Walking photosMay meeting photos, Blue Mountain Fruit Tour photos and more.

    Humour Corner
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in June. There is lots to do, now that Summer is here!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    The Last Word
    Shared by  Nancy Dixon

    'The more you use your brain, the more brain you will have to use.'
    G. Dorsey

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • May 05, 2024 2:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    A cool wet April is slowly giving way to a warmer May, and with it, more PROBUS outdoor activities are now up and running. Ramblers are continuing each week, golf is weekly at Tomahawk, birders have been out several times, Nordic pole walkers are touring the area, and several of the cycling groups start up this month. Among the 12 outdoor activity groups that meet Spring through Fall, there are an astounding 637 member registrations. We are so fortunate that PROBUS members choose to embrace an active lifestyle here in the beautiful Beaver Valley.

    It's never too late to sign up for one or more of these, so please join us for exercise and a great social time. Of course, the dining, euchre and money matters groups are active as well, among the dozen indoor activities catering to every interest. Lovely pink and white blossoms are about to grace the hillsides around Thornbury, marking the beginning of another season of the apples that make our valley famous.

    Members can still register for an informative and highly impressive tour of the Blue Mountain Fruit Company on May 16, as well as the Blue Mountain Film Festival on May 30. And don’t forget our regular monthly meeting on May 28, when Prof. Mark Rector will speak on Canadian inventors and their marvellous technologies. Hope to see you there!

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    Reminder: For your convenience, the Membership table is staffed at every monthly meeting. Stop by to order a replacement badge, to pick-up an “Emergency contact card" with plastic sleeve and lanyard, or have your badge repaired. We’re here to help!  If you have any questions you can contact us at

    May Membership Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
    Registration: Please register online to let us know if you will attend.

    Speaker  Professor Mark Rector

    Professor Rector is a published author, public speaker, and a recently retired Professor of Electronics Engineering with a specialty in telecommunications. He has written many articles, contributed to nationally published textbooks, and released his first book in 2018.

    Mark will share his passion for inventions and enlighten us about several famous Canadian Inventors featured in his book OH CANADA Our Home Inventive Land.

    50/50 Draw

    Marie J. and Cynthia M. shared in the $227.00 pot at our April 23 monthly speaker meeting. Our 50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the 1st break. See Elaine or Hank Bouwman at the table at the back of the room.

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams

    We had a very interesting tour of the Blue Mountain Fruit Company Facility in Thornbury, and have planned another tour on May 16. Those on the waitlist for the April tour will have priority.

    There are still plenty of tickets available for the Billy Bishop Goes to War Musical, preceded by a lunch, at Meaford Hall in August.

    Volunteers Needed: Would you like to be part of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Social Committee? We are looking for one or two more volunteers to help out. You can be part of the fun as we put together outings and events for the Club. Please contact Don directly if you are interested

    King's Wharf Theatre Event - June 12, 2024
    Vicki Kellar

    Fans of ’80s arena hard rock music will dig this awesomely hilarious musical comedy that wails with big chords, big hair… and an even bigger heart.

    We have 1 ticket available—one of our members who registered can no longer attend. Please JOIN WAITLIST and contact Vicki Kellar for details.

    Annual Golf Tournament - June 18, 2024
    Golf Tournament Organizing Committee

    The invitations have gone out for the Annual Golf Tournament on Tuesday, June 18 at the Shelburne Golf and Country Club. This will be a 9 am Shotgun start, with registration at 8 am. The cost is $95 / person and includes 18 holes with a cart, followed by a lunch with prizes. 

    Reserve Now—Pay Later: The invitation will allow you to reserve your place. The link to pay will be sent out to those who reserved on June 3. This year we are permitting non-member guests to join, so bring a friend!

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    For PROBUS members, family and friends who would like to travel with local people and create new friendships—GPTG, your travel group—is proceeding with the following 2 trips:

    Circumnavigation of Newfoundland:  June 16 - 27, 2024. For those who love learning, small ship travel, and unique experiences. We still have space with no single supplement and a group discount. Please contact Brenda Chapman at Marlin Travel 705-444-1161 with any questions.

    Norway Coastal Voyage: September 17 - 27, 2024. From Bergen to Trondheim. We would really like some more people to join this wonderful trip! Most of the members booked on this trip are travelling early, to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen...then taking the train back from Trondheim to Oslo. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455.

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene RC 

    With the warmer weather, more spring and summer activities have started, or are going to do so soon. Money matters and golf has started and members have been out birding a few times already. Cycling is about to begin, as is hiking. The new art group is also meeting soon. If you haven't signed up for your favorite activity group, there is still time to do so. Below are reports from various activity groups—you may find something that appeals to you. We can assure you that you will get the most out of your PROBUS club if you participate. Enjoy!

    Please make sure you register ONLINE for the activities in which you are interested.

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Brian Cromie

    The Birding Activity Group met twice in late April, and despite cold weather, strong winds and snow at times, 25 members came out to the Clendenan Dam to welcome back our early spring migrants. All told, we spotted some 21 different species over the two visits, a good start to another exciting season with our fine feathered friends. Click to see the Birding Group Photos!

    Bridge anyone?
    Don Collins-Williams

    Would anyone be interested in forming a PROBUS Bridge Activity Group? I have had a couple of enquiries, and suspect that we have a lot of bridge players out there!! If so, please send Don Collins-Williams an email at If there is an enthusiastic response, I will see if we can get some co-leaders together, and give it a go!!

    Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking
    Karen Thompson, Liz Goodall

    Hello canoeing and kayaking enthusiasts. It is almost time to put the canoes and kayaks in the water. As soon as the temperature climbs, we will be scheduling our first outing in May. In the meantime, check your equipment and get ready for our first day. See you soon. 

    Casual Dining with Friends
    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith

    Our dinners on April 25 were a success. As we had several gals attending on their own, and for a bit of a change, we tried a ladies night dinner and by all reports it was a fun evening. Going forward we’ll be planning our regular dining event for May 23rd and look forward to welcoming both our regulars and some of the new members who have joined our group. Just a reminder for your future planning, we always arrange our dinners and summer picnics for the fourth Thursday of the month. Our December cocktail party is usually arranged for one week earlier to avoid the holiday rush. Looking forward to welcoming you soon.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town Invitations for our Wednesday May 15 Dinner at 5 pm at Match Casino Restaurant in Wasaga Beach were sent out on May 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go on-line to the Dining Around Town Activity Page to sign-up. Please see our future dining dates below:

    Monday, June 17: Family Style Dinner – Marilynne Restaurant, Markdale
    Friday, August 16: Annual Pizza Party – Justin’s Oven, Kimberley
    Wednesday, September 18: Buffet Dinner – Walter Falls
    Wednesday, October 16: Dinner - The Huron Club, Collingwood
    Wednesday, November 20: Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood

    Bill McMurray

    We had a big turnout for our April lunch and look forward to our May 8 lunch at the Corner Cafe. 

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our next Euchre 1 tournament will be on Tuesday May 14 at 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Our April 9 tournament was enjoyed by 30 members (7 tables) with Viv A. taking home bragging rights with a score of 51 after 56 hands played.

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    We have reserved The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury for the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1 – 4 pm. Our next Intermediate Euchre tournament will be on Tuesday May 14. Yvonne P. claimed top spot for the afternoon on April 9 with a score of 27 after 28 hands played.

    Euchre Lessons 
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    11 of our members just graduated from 5-week euchre refresher sessions and will now join the Intermediate Euchre group that plays on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Congratulations to the group and have fun. 

    Nancy Dixon

    We had the most Ramblers for our walk on the Meaford Georgian Trail to date. I am certainly enjoying meeting all of the new members who have joined our group. We will have a few special adventurers soon. Will keep you posted.

    Registration and Website Tips

    1. General:

    • Please do not forward an invitation to someone else. The invitation is specifically for you and if someone else uses it, they will register you and not themselves.
    • Invitations are only good for 7 days. The link to register expires in 7 days. After that you will be prompted to login with your password in order to register. So it is always best to register promptly!

    2. Meeting Registration

    • Click “YES” if you are attending. You should receive a confirmation email within minutes. If you don't receive this email then you were not successful in registering. Please try again!
    •  Do not click “MAYBE”. It doesn’t tell us anything of value, and you won't get a reminder notices or any additional invitations. If you aren't sure if you will attend or not, just do not respond!
    • Click “NO” if you are not attending. You will not receive a any further notices to register for this event

    3. Confirmation emails: Keep these emails as you may need them in order to cancel your registration. If you made any selections (menu choices etc.) during registration, they will be noted there for future reference. For many activities and events, directions or other important information is also included in the confirmation emails.

    3A. Cancellation from Confirmation Emails: Instructions to cancel are often included in your confirmation email. It will look something like this:

    • Click here to access this Event 
    • Click on the link that says "Already registered"
      You must be logged in to the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club website to see the "already registered" link. If the "Already registered" link is not there, it means you need to login.
    • Click on the "Cancel Registration" button

    3B. Cancellation Instructions from the Website:

    • Sign into the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club website. 
    • Click on the yellow “ACTIVITIES” button 
    • Click on the activity that you want to cancel and scroll down to the event date that you want to cancel 
    • Click on “Already registered” link (next to the “Register button”) 
    • Click on the “Cancel registration” button 
    Please Note:

    Activity leaders are not able to cancel your reservation—you need to do it yourself. But as a courtesy, please let the organizer know directly if you are having trouble cancelling.

    Photo Corner
    Eclipse photos shared by Ilene RC

    See the all new, wonderful collection of photos in our 2024 Spring Slideshow!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in May. There is lots to do, now that Spring is finally here!

    In Memorium

    Harvey Wormald passed away at home on April 30. He and his wife Penny joined our club in 2015 and were very active in Hiking, Biking and Dining Around Town. Harvey previously volunteered on the Management Committee as Speakers Chair and as a non golfer, ran our Mini Putt event for 2 years. Our sincere condolences go out to Penny and all their family.

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    The Last Word
    Shared by Nancy Dixon

    Kind  hearts are the gardens; Kind thoughts are the roots;  Kind words are the blossoms;  Kind deeds are the fruits. Anonymous

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene RC

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • April 05, 2024 11:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Brian Cromie

    Despite the ups and downs in our weather recently, it seems like Spring might be just around the corner. People are out walking, biking and enjoying the great outdoors. Your PROBUS Club offers over 40 different Activity Groups, many of which kick off in spring and keep us engaged until late fall. This past week we had an excellent turnout for the annual Activity Fair at the Community Centre and membership of many groups is expanding daily. Please remember to register online for the activities in which you’re interested.

    We are so grateful to the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club volunteer Activity Leaders who organize and lead our indoor and outdoor activities. This year there are five new activities to enjoy, with something for everyone. Thanks also to all the members of the Management Committee, who carry out the business of the Club, and particularly Ilene Rushefsky Charland, who completed her term as President at the March 27 AGM. As the new President, I am confident that we will continue to benefit from the strong, dedicated leadership of the Management Committee and the active participation of the entire membership. 

    This month, to honour National Canadian Film Day, and based on an overwhelming vote by the membership, we will be presenting the film “The Grand Seduction”. Please come out on April 23 and enjoy this wonderful story of life in a Newfoundland outport as we celebrate Canada and the Canadian film industry.

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    At the Activity Fair, we were happy to have several members stop by the Membership table to visit and pick up their club badges. Please know that we still have badges from the last several membership drives, as well as replacement badges that were specially ordered. We bring all these orphaned badges to every meeting just in case their owners show up. Please come and collect your badge.

    If you need to reach us, please contact us at

    April Membership Meeting - April 23, 2024
    Kirby Philp

    In honour of National Canadian Film Day, we will be featuring the film (as voted by the membership) “The Grand Seduction”. The film length is 113 min. We will have a short 5 min intermission at the halfway point. This year we have teamed up with Events For Life and they will be opening up their Arena Cafe for us—making and selling Pop Corn at $3 per bag. Please go into the Arena and grab some Pop Corn prior to the movie start time of 1:30 pm and also support a great cause.

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams - Social Convenor

    Thank you to all of you who stopped by the Social Table at the Activity Fair. Your suggestions and comments were appreciated. The John Sheard Homeward Bound event in September is now sold out, but if you are still interested, please put your name on the wait list, as there are often late cancellations, making tickets available again.

    SAVE THE DATE: On Thursday, August 15, we will be returning for another lunch and musical at Meaford Hall. This year it will be Billy Bishop Goes To War, with a lunch in the Meaford Hall Terrace before the afternoon matinee. Watch your email later in April for the invitation.

    Social Events Committee—Volunteers Needed! We are looking for a group of volunteers to form a small committee to help with organizing our PROBUS events. No significant experience is needed ( just enthusiasm), and you can work from home! As an added perk, you would have first crack at signing up for events, before the invitations go out!!! This is your chance to be part of organizing the fun and getting more involved in our Club. Please contact me if you are interested.

    King's Wharf Theatre Event - June 12, 2024
    Vicki Kellar

    Fans of ’80s arena hard rock music will dig this awesomely hilarious musical comedy that wails with big chords, big hair… and an even bigger heart.

    We have tickets available—some couples who have registered are no longer able to attend. Please JOIN WAITLIST and contact Vicki Kellar for details.

    It’s 1987, and aspiring rocker Drew Boley meets and falls madly in love with Sherrie, a fresh-faced Midwesterner who has recently moved to Los Angeles to chase her movie star dreams. Will their stars rise? Will their love last? Find out in the worldwide phenomenon featuring 28 classic rock tunes like “Don’t Stop Believin’,” “We Built This City,” “The Final Countdown,” “Wanted Dead or Alive,” “Here I Go Again,” “Harden My Heart,” “Can’t Fight This Feeling,” and “I Want To Know What Love Is.”

    Annual Golf Tournament - June 18, 2024
    Golf Tournament Organizing Committee

    Save the Date: The 2024 Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Annual Golf tournament will be held on Tuesday, June 18 at the Shelburne Golf and Country Club. Details and sign-up information to follow in April.

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    For PROBUS members, family and friends who would like to travel with local people and create new friendships—GPTG, your travel group—is proceeding with the following 2 trips:

    Circumnavigation of Newfoundland:  June 16 - 27, 2024. For those who love learning, small ship travel, and unique experiences. We still have space with no single supplement and a group discount. Please contact Brenda Chapman at Marlin Travel 705-444-1161 with any questions.

    Norway Coastal Voyage: September 17 - 27, 2024. From Bergen to Trondheim. We also still have group pricing and space. Most of the members booked on this trip are travelling early, to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen...then taking the train back from Trondheim to Oslo. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455.

    Activity Groups Update
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland - Activities Convenor

    Our 2024 Activity Fair was a huge success. Thank you to the many activity leaders, who went above and beyond our expectations in their table displays. You could see the care and effort made to show off their activity and entice members to stop and have a chat. Thanks to the many members attending, asking questions and taking the opportunity to chat with friends. Our offerings of activities is second to none. This is what makes our club so much fun. Check out the Activity Fair Slideshow to see photos of the event!

    Please make sure you register ONLINE for the activities in which you are interested.

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Bridge anyone?
    Don Collins-Williams

    Would anyone be interested in forming a PROBUS Bridge Activity Group? I have had a couple of enquiries, and suspect that we have a lot of bridge players out there!! If so, please contact me. If there is an enthusiastic response, I will see if we can get some co-leaders together, and give it a go!!

    E-Bikes + Others
    Terry Kellar / Mikael Schaltz

    Spring is here and the bikes are coming out, our group is open to all bikers (e-bikes and petal power) that can do a distance of 20km+. We bike on trails and quiet sideroads on Mondays. Our season will start in early May so sign up now to receive our invites.

    Casual Dining with Friends
    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith

    It was a pleasure meeting so many of you, both regulars and potential new members, at the activity fair and we look forward to a new season of our dining groups. Our next get-together will be at 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 25 and we hope to have many of you participate. As usual, we’ll be meeting in small groups at the homes of our volunteer hosts and each guest will be asked to contribute to the menu, likely an appetizer, salad or dessert, as requested by the host. You will also be asked to provide your own beverage of choice. Again, as always, we will be requesting members to volunteer as hosts for this event. Look for an email invitation on or about April 8. Looking forward to April 25!

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town

    Invitations for our Monday, April 15, Wednesday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 24 Luncheon at 11:30 am at The Mill Restaurant in Thornbury were sent out on April 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us…just go to our website and click on the Dining Around Town Activity Page to sign up. Please see our future dining dates below:

    Wednesday, May 15: Dinner – Match Casino Restaurant, Wasaga Beach
    Monday, June 17: Family Style Dinner – Marilynne Restaurant, Markdale
    Friday, August 16: Annual Pizza Party – Justin’s Oven, Kimberley
    Wednesday, September 18: Buffet Dinner – Walter Falls
    Wednesday, October 16: Dinner - The Huron Club, Collingwood
    Wednesday, November 20: Luncheon – Katherine’s Chateau, Collingwood

    Bill McMurray

    Romeos are back in action with 47 members signing up after the Activity Fair. We will be having lunch/brunch at The Pottery on April 10. Look for the invitation coming out this week.

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our next Euchre 1 tournament will be on Tuesday, April 9 at 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Our March 12 tournament was enjoyed by 28 members (7 tables) with Terry K taking home bragging rights with a score of 55 after 56 hands played.

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    We have reserved The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury for the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1 – 4 pm. Our next Intermediate Euchre tournament will be on Tuesday, April 9. Hank B. claimed top spot for the afternoon on March 12 with a score of 43 after 48 hands played.

    Euchre Lessons 
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Interested in learning how to play euchre or just need a refresher session?  Register online for sessions starting in April.

    French Club
    Caroline Bacher

    Parlez-vous francais? The French Club has had a very good time meeting this past season. We usually begin in September, however, there has been some discussion of getting together during the summer months as well! The days we meet will be dependent on the host—we shall keep you posted! We meet once a month at each others' homes. The host decides what the topic will be so that participants can prepare ahead of time. We are a friendly bunch who want to improve our French conversational skills in a cooperative and supportive environment. So please join us if you have  knowledge of written and oral French! A bientot!

    Vicki Kellar

    A lot of interest at the Activity Fair translated into 104 members (so far) signing up for the Hiking Group. You can still join by registering on the Hiking Activity page. We anticipate starting our hiking schedule the first week of May, depending on the weather and if the ski season is still open at Blue Mountain (yes, we’re still skiing in April!). Currently, there are 4 volunteers to lead hikes but we have many more dates to fill. The leader decides which day of the week and time to hike so it varies every week. Each participant is encouraged to lead their favourite hike. Guidelines for leading are found on our Hiking web page. We hope to hike weekly until the fall, if a sufficient number of leaders volunteer. See you on the trails!

    Nancy Dixon

    Wow! Thanks to all of you who registered for this Activity. We are currently 87 Strong. Don't worry, I have been leading our group for almost 4 years now and we never have more than 25 members for our Rambles. Hoping the weather will let us walk on April 5 along the Collingwood Harbour and part of the Georgian Trail. If not, we will reschedule and Ramble as usual.

    Stitch & Bitch Crafts
    Sheilia Churchill

    Our Stitch & Bitch group wishes to invite interested members to our May 6 meeting to be hosted by Sylvia R. I know there are members like myself who had not knitted or crocheted in a while but are looking for a PROBUS group to connect with—that was ten years ago for me and l am now knitting projects l never thought l could. Why not give our great group of gals a try? We can get you restarted. We encourage you to join and meet up to share in the conversation, tea or coffee, dessert and perhaps get back into a craft. Only a few hours once a month on the first Monday. If interested in attending our Open House, please contact Sheila or Nancy for details of where to attend on May 6. Nancy Dixon

    PROBUS Canada Newsletter
    Shared by Martin Buscher
    , PROBUS Canada
    Director Ontario District #7

    Please see the PROBUS Canada Connections March newsletter!

    All Club's Bonspiel
    Submitted by Cheryl Ross

    This team of Beaver Valley Probus members curled together on March 16 at Meaford Curling Club. Skip Lorne W, Vice Cheryl R, Second David A and Lead Marge A had a great day and were only 1/4 of a point away from being the champions of their draw! Our first game was against the Meaford Lawn Bowling Team #1 and our second game was against the Meaford Apple Harvest Craft Show Team. Lots of fun was had by all!

    Photo Corner
    Shared by Lucie Desjardins 

    Red-headed Woodpeckers are rarely seen in our location and in particular at this time of year. 

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the photo to see what you need to be doing in your garden in April!

    In Memorium

    Bill Hamilton passed away on Wednesday, March 20. Bill and his wife Wendy had been members of our PROBUS Club since 2006 and were involved with the Euchre 2 activity group and attended many theatre events. Our sincere condolences to the Hamilton Family.

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    The Last Word
    Shared by  Nancy Dixon

    Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. Julia Child

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • March 06, 2024 2:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    I hope that many of you were dazzled by the stunning underwater pictures shown by our February speaker, Randy Bird. His stories and photos were inspiring. For those who are not divers, and even some who are, we learned about another world beneath the sea. At that meeting, we also had a chance to welcome our new members and introduce them to our Probus club.

    With winter drawing to a close, we are looking forward to spring and summer activities. Plans are underway for our Activity Fair to be held in-person, once again, at the Beaver Valley Community Centre. Please plan to attend on March 26 @ 1:30 PM and find out about new activity groups, and revisit existing groups. 

    Don’t forget that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held earlier on the same day at 11:00 AM via zoom. Voting information, management reports and the agenda can be found in this newsletter. Please read it carefully and participate in YOUR Probus Club.

    I have enjoyed my year as president of our Probus Club and want to take this opportunity to thank the members for their confidence in me. I have met many members in a variety of venues; it has always been a very positive experience

    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    We have had well over a hundred new members join us over the past 8 months and with so many new faces, it helps if you wear your PROBUS badge at activities and events. Badges for new members are available for pick-up at the Membership table at the monthly meetings. Also, stop by if you need a badge replacement (for a fee) or a repair. We will also be at the Activity Fair! See you there! If you have any questions, please contact us at

    Annual General Meeting - Tuesday, Mar 26 @ 11:00 AM

    This year's AGM will be held on March 26, 2024 at 11 AM. It will be an online meeting, using Zoom. An invitation and a reminder will be emailed to our members ahead of time with instructions on how to join this online meeting.

    We kindly ask that all members vote online to elect our officers, to accept the 2023 AGM Minutes, the 2023 Annual Financial Statements, and the proposed By-laws amendments. Check your email on March 19, 2024 for instructions on how to vote. Voting closes on March 25, 2024 the day before the AGM. To view the timeline for the AGM and current nomination for our offices, please go to our 2024 AGM webpage.

    Please note that later on the same day, we will be holding our Annual Activity Fair in the Beaver Valley Community Centre between 1:30 and 3:30 PM.

    Activity Fair — Tuesday, Mar 26 @ 1:30 - 3:30 PM
    Ilene Rushefsky Charland - Activities Convenor

    Walk around the Beaver Valley Community Centre and learn about the various Activity Groups that our club offers. Meet our activity leaders in person—ask questions and find out how to sign-up! Say hello to old friends and meet new ones, over a cup of coffee and snacks! The Activity Fair is in place of our March Membership Meeting.

    **NOTE: you must sign-up again online for any activities this year—even if you were signed up last year, or this year before March 2, 2024.**


    Check out all the activities on our Activities webpages and be ready with your questions before you attend! We have several new Activity Groups, and it is not too late to create more new groups—if you are willing to volunteer!

    50-50 Draw
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Brian C. and Todd K. shared in the $367.00 pot at our February 27 monthly speaker meeting. Our 50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each regular monthly meeting and during the first break.

    April Membership Meeting - National Canadian Film Day
    Kirby Philp

    Thank you to all who responded to our survey for the National Canadian Film Day. We had a great response—291 members responded. The results are in and the winner is...The Grand Seduction. The showing will be at our April Membership Meeting on April 23. See everyone there—it should be fun!

    Social Events 
    Don Collins-Williams - Social Convenor

    The Pilkington Glass Factory Tour was very interesting. We are hoping that they will allow us to schedule more tours, as we had 64 members on the waitlist, but we have not heard back from them yet.

    We had 71 members register for the Any Dream Will Do concert on February 13. This is the fourth concert/theatre event that we have done in the past year and each of them was well subscribed. We are blessed with excellent theatre and music opportunities in our area, and our members are clearly interested in these outings, so I will continue to watch for further interesting shows in Collingwood, Thornbury, Meaford and Owen Sound—perhaps combined with an optional pre or post theatre meal. Stay tuned!!

    We have arranged to return to the Blue Mountain Film Festival this year, on May 30, for two screenings. Watch for the email invitation coming out on March 7. Separately, the Festival is also offering our members a 10% discount on 4, 6 and 8 packs of tickets and on individual film passes. Use the promo code "FRIENDS10" when you call the festival. This offer expires on March 22.

    Annual Golf Tournament - June 18, 2024
    Golf Tournament Organizing Committee

    Save the Date: The 2024 Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Annual Golf tournament will be held on Tuesday, June 18 at the Shelburne Golf and Country Club. Details and sign-up information to follow in April.

    Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    For PROBUS members, family and friends who would like to travel with local people and create new friendships—GPTG, your travel group—is proceeding with the following 2 trips:

    Circumnavigation of Newfoundland:  June 16 - 27, 2024. For those who love learning, small ship travel, and unique experiences. We still have space with no single supplement and a group discount. Please contact Brenda Chapman at Marlin Travel 705-444-1161 with any questions.

    Norway Coastal Voyage: September 17 - 27, 2024. From Bergen to Trondheim. We also still have group pricing and space. Most of the members booked on this trip are travelling early, to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen...then taking the train back from Trondheim to Oslo. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455.

    Activity Groups Update

    Sign-ups for Activity Groups are now paused to prepare for the new season and will re-open after the Activity Fair on Tuesday, March 26. Remember—you will need to sign-up on March 26 for your Activity Groups for the upcoming season, even if you signed up last year, or this year before March 2. 

    There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign-up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

    If need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:


    Brian Cromie / Lucie Desjardins

    Even though our Birding Group has been inactive this winter, the birds are not. There are good viewing opportunities all around us, especially waterfowl in the Collingwood Harbour—and if the weather allows it—you can see and enjoy many of our winter visitors. Looking forward to our first Spring group outings! Please see the proposed schedule and sign-up on our Birding Activity Page after the Activity Fair if you wish to join us this year!

    Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking
    Karen Thompson / Liz Goodall

    New in 2024: This is a new group for experienced Kayakers and Canoeists. We will tackle easy water with occasional swifts and paddle for 60 to 90 minutes, then take a rest. The entire paddle may last 3 or 4 hours. We will look for pleasant places to get out of the kayaks/canoes to eat our snack, swim if desired and relax before we continue to the end. This group will alternate weeks with the original Canoeing & Kayaking activity group, which will continue with their casual paddles! For more information please visit us at the Activity Fair or view the Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking Activity Page

    Cycling: E-bikes+ & Explorators
    Terry Kellar / Mikael Schaltz

    This year the Explorators cycling group will combine with the E-Bikes + Others group and ride on Mondays! This activity group is open to all bike types.

    Recreational Cycling

    A new leader is needed this year for the Recreational Cycling group, which rides on Wednesdays. After many years of leading the group Caroline Bacher is ready to hand over to a new leader. If interested, please contact Caroline, who would be happy to share all her information, routes etc to whoever steps up!

    Casual Dining with Friends
    Sallie Kedwell

    Our January/February mix of lunch or dinner—both held on the same date—was a success and will be considered again for next year. Although the driving conditions were a non-issue this year the luncheons were a pleasant change. Now that March is here we’ll go back to our regular schedule with dinners planned for various hosts' homes on Thursday, March 28. The invitation for this event will arrive in your inbox on March 6 for those who have signed up for the Casual Dining With Friends Activity Group.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around TownInvitations for our Wednesday, March 20 Luncheon at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford were sent out on March 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. To sign up for the new season just go to the Dining Around Town activity page after the Activity Fair on March 26 and click on the Activity Group Sign-up button. Also, please see our photos of our lunch at Tesoro Restaurant last month.

    Future Dining Dates:
    • Monday, April 15, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury 
    • Wednesday, April 17, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury 
    • Wednesday, April 24, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury 
    • Wednesday, May 15, Dinner - Match Eatery (Playtime Casino), Wasaga Beach
    • Monday, June 17, Family Style Dinner – Marilynne Restaurant, Markdale
    • Friday, August 16, Annual Pizza Party – Justin’s Oven, Kimberley 
    • Wednesday, September 18, Buffet Dinner – The Falls Inn, Walters Falls
    • Wednesday, October 16, Dinner –The Huron Club, Collingwood

    Bill McMurray

    Our next luncheon will be on Wednesday, March 13 at the Match Eatery (Playtime Casino) in Wasaga Beach. The invitation email with all the details will be sent out the week before, to those who were signed up for the R.O.M.E.O Activity Group.

    Euchre 1
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Our next Euchre 1 tournament will be on Tuesday, March 12 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Our February 13 tournament was enjoyed by 29 members (7 tables) with Ryburn G. taking home bragging rights with a score of 54 after 56 hands played.

    Intermediate Euchre
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    We have reserved The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury for the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1 – 4 pm. Our next Intermediate Euchre tournament will be on Tuesday March 12. Elaine B. claimed the top spot for the afternoon on February 13 with a score of 34 after 32 hands played.

    Euchre Lessons
    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Interested in learning how to play euchre or just need a refresher session? There will be a sign-up sheet at the upcoming March 26 Activity Fair for sessions starting in April.

    Money Matters
    Rod Innes

    New in 2024: This is a brand new group forming this season. The aim of the group is to explore topics related to the management of savings and investments, TFSA's, RSP's, RRIF's, taxation, estate planning and anything else members are interested in. The group will be a forum within which to exchange information, ideas and experiences. We may also invite experts to inform members of issues of interest, but will not be a forum for soliciting new business. Everyone interested is invited to participate. Come and find out more at the Activity Fair or check out the Financial Insights Group activity page on the website.

    Mah Jongg
    Judy Smith

    Members meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month to play the American version of this traditional Asian tile game. New members are always welcome and training sessions are provided as needed, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Members will need the new 2024 game card—at the cost of $20.00 Canadian. For more information check out our display at the Activity Fair or see the Mah Jongg Activity Page.

    Nancy Dixon

    Even though the weather has thwarted our last few walks, on March 7, 2024 we will again attempt our walk starting at the Lora Bay Golf Club Parking lot to enjoy a walk on part of the golf course and the Georgian Trail. We welcome new members to sign up on the Activity page in order to receive my much adored if not revered emails. Our new season will include walks in the outlying communities and some unusual twists and turns as well as historical insights. Let's Ramble!!! Check out the Ramblers Activity Page to register for the Ramblers Activity Group after the Activity Fair in order to receive our invites for the walks.

    Mary Jansen

    New in 2024: Rummikub is a game that involves both luck and strategy. It is played with tiles, numbered 1 to 13 in 4 different colours, and is similar to RummyO. Your mind is constantly working to win the game by getting rid of the tiles on your rack. It is fun and easy to learn, yet can be challenging. We can have groups of two to four per table, with a maximum of 10 players per session. The group will meet on Mondays either bi-monthly or weekly. See what it's all about at the Activity Fair or take a look at the Rummikub Activity Page.

    All Clubs Bonspiel
    Shared by Cheryl Ross

    Four of our members are joining together to represent Beaver Valley PROBUS Club in the "All Clubs Bonspiel "at Meaford Curling Club. New member Lorne Wedge, along with Marge and David Allin and Cheryl Ross will pit their curling skills against other clubs from the area on Saturday, March 16. Wish us well!

    Photo Corner - Winter Birds
    Lucie Desjardins / Brian Cromie
    Birding Activity Group Co-Leaders

    Left: Bald Eagle, Top-Middle: Northern Pintail (Male), Top-Right: Northern Cardinal, Bottom-Middle: Mallard (Male), Bottom-Right: Cedar Waxwing

    See the Winter Slideshow for even more wonderful photos! Also check out the New Members Meet & Greet slideshow and the February Monthly Meeting photos!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner
    John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
    Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

    Click on the photo to see what you need to be doing in your garden in March!

    Support Group
    Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    The Last Word
    Shared by  Nancy Dixon

    Things turn out the best for people, who make the best of the way things turn out.  John Wooden

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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