Members can update their email address, mailing address, phone number and more by editing their own profile. Members can also upload a profile photo - which helps members recognize each other!
You must be logged into the website in order to make these changes.
Click on the My Profile Link underneath your name. Then click on the Edit profile button.
Once you are in Edit mode, you can make changes to your address, phone number etc. If you would like to upload a photo, make sure that you have a headshot photo already on your computer. A head and shoulders shot in front of a plain background is best. Full body shots will be too small to see your face—and we hope the profile photo is to help others recognize you at meetings and activities!
If you have any questions, please email bvpcmembership@gmail.com or call on any of the Help Team listed below. We are very happy to help!
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer (Membership Co-chairs)
Heather Buscher (Website Coordinator)