Summer Photo Contest Winners & Answers: Where Am I?
First Place: Shauna Lathe
Third Place (2-way tie): Dwight and Sonja Dyson
Third Place (2-way tie): Maureen Hussey
First Place:
Shauna Lathe
$25 LCBO Gift Certificate
Quiz 1: Events for Life Alpaca Farm Most Popular: 16 people answered
Quiz 4: Clarksburg Bear, Marsh St. Most Generic: 50% answered with one word "Clarksburg". Answers that were more specific were awarded the win.
Second Place:
Marion Stewart
Bottle of wine
Quiz 2: South Chair Blue Mountain Most Common: Coffin Ridge Winery
Quiz 5: David Johnston Park, Meaford Most Difficult: Only4 people answered
Third Place: (tie)
Maureen Hussey
Dwight and Sonja Dyson
Quiz 3: Webwood Falls, Bruce Trail Favorite Answer: Hogwood Falls
Quiz 6: Collingwood Town Hall Mosts Specific Answer: Downtown Collingwood, on Hurontario St. A few blocks south of Hwy. 26. It is in the east side of the street.