Beaver Valley Probus Club

Ramblers Slideshow - Summer 2023

These photos were taken during Ramblers group outings beginning July 7, 2023!

Sept 15 Ramblers Meaford Scarecrow Walk
Very Scary Pumpkin Pirate
Make your wish at the Schubird.
Looks like the whole gang is in the swing of things
Hanging out with the whole crew of Scarecrows. Can you find our Ramblers
We had to retake the picture as we could not tell the Ramblers from the Scarecrows
It was great just hanging with the Meaford Scarecrows not to mention our Ramblers.
Sept 8 - Ramblers enjoying our favourite walk along the Collingwood Harbour.
August 11, 2023: 18 Ramblers met for a Eugenia Falls Adventure and Potluck Picnic at Donna M's house on Lake Eugenia.
Walking along Lake Eugenia by the Dam
Another view of the Lake from the Beach access
Ramblers walking through the old streets of Eugenia -- so peaceful.
A view from the top of the Falls into the Eugenia Gorge.
A potluck picnic by the Lake. Thanks again Donna M. and all those who joined in.
Another view of our Ramblers at Lake Eugenia!
Such a beautiful day and view of the Lake. We all had such a great time.
Aug 4, 2023--Walking through Thornbury with Ilene RC at the helm. Thanks for stepping in. Another beautiful Day Rambling.
July 14 What a great day at the Raspberry Patch on Victoria Street, Thornbury.
So many kinds of raspberries. What a great tour.
We all had our fill sampling the different kinds and enjoyed the adventure.
July 7 David Johnson Park, Meaford
Very rugged landscape but so beautiful
Our Ramblers enjoying the view and our new adventure!
Another perfect day for a Ramble.
Such a great group. Rambling is so popular. I wonder if its the gang or the leader?
Final destination at the Meaford Harbour Gazebo.
Another great walk. Thanks Maureen H. for assisting.

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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