Beaver Valley Probus Club

Hiking Slideshow May 2024

This album is a collection of photos submitted by members during Hiking season during May 2024.

May 29 - 15 hikers experienced the walk down the hill, across the stream and up another on the Stewart Hilts Side Trail
The Leader Vicki K checked out the mud first.
Very healthy Jack in the pulpit
Taking a break at the Cuckoo Valley Overlook.
Beautiful Hilt Falls, a great end to the walk.
May 22 Sandy T took pictures, including various flowers and Jack in the pulpit.
May 22 Beverly F led a 18 hikers on a new section of the Bruce Trail.
May 15 Hike led by Louis and Ilene. Lots of mud😁
Blue skies defied the weather predictions May 8, 2024.
16 members joined the Kolapore North hike
Taking a break
Jack in the pulpit
Made it to the 1/2 way point, still on the Bruce Trail
Fiddleheads looking healthy
We made it to the Church Trail
Rare grouping of red trillium
Woodpecker condo
Iconic spring Bruce Trail. Pbotos by Sandy T and Vicki K.

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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