President's Message
Brian Cromie
In February, we are truly deep into winter, with cold winds, blowing snow, and driveways to clear every few days. However, on the positive side, both town and country are beautiful, clothed in soft mounds of white, while the days are slowly growing longer; soon we’ll see if Wiarton Willie's prediction of an early spring will come to pass! Skiing and snowshoeing conditions are perfect this year and the horse-drawn sleigh rides at Valley Ridge Farm on February 19 should be magical. Do get out if you can, even for a short walk from time to time, and celebrate our majestic Canadian winters.
This month we are bringing on many new members to the Club, thanks to Membership Co-chairs Pam and Kathy, while some existing members have chosen to leave the fold. These new friends-to-be will be warmly welcomed at the Newcomer’s Luncheon, held before the February general meeting. More details to be found below.
Management Committee—Volunteers Needed
Brian Cromie, President
Management Committee Openings:
Treasurer: We are still looking for a new Treasurer, as Lynn steps aside to allow more time for involvement in the Activity groups, while George continues as Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer should have some experience in finance, bookkeeping or other related business. If you are interested in the role, please get in touch with me before the end of February!
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
New Member Badges and Luncheon – February 25
Over the past six months, we’ve welcomed nearly 90 new members to our club! With so many fresh faces, it’s helpful to wear your PROBUS badge during activities and events. Starting at the February 28 meeting, new members can pick up their badges at the Membership table.
If you’ve been a member for a while and have yet to pick up your badge, don’t worry—we’ve been holding onto it for you! Just stop by the table to grab it. We also offer badge replacement (for a small fee) and repairs.
New Member Luncheon We’ll be hosting a special luncheon for just our new members prior to the February 25 meeting in the small meeting room. If you arrive early for the regular meeting, please be patient and wait in the large meeting area until the luncheon concludes. See you there!
February Membership Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
Speaker: Bruce King and Valerie Jones
Title: Kolapore Trails and Kolapore Wilderness
Bruce King spent his career with the Ontario government, focusing on Crown land and provincial park planning. A highlight of his career was serving as Project Manager for the task force that led to the creation of Rouge Park in Toronto. He was also the principal author of the 1999 Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, which established numerous new protected areas, and contributed to the development of Ontario’s Guide for Crown Land Use Planning. In 1973, while still a university student, Bruce was one of the founders of the Kolapore Wilderness Trails, and he has continued to work on the trails ever since. He and his wife, Valerie Jones, reside in the Kolapore area. In 2023, they jointly received the Town of Blue Mountain’s Volunteer Award in the Sports and Recreation category, recognizing their long-term commitment to both the Kolapore Trails and the Bruce Trail.
Over 50 years ago, a small group of university students, inspired to create the Kolapore Trails network at the southern end of the Town of Blue Mountains, began building what would become an important community asset. Bruce King was part of that founding group and will share the evolution of the trails, from their humble beginnings as a rustic network for a small group of backcountry skiers to their current status as a popular year-round destination. Kolapore is now the largest block of protected wilderness in the region. In his talk, Bruce will highlight some of the area's important natural values and offer recommendations on how to explore and enjoy the Kolapore area.
Book Exchange:
The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!
Canadian National Film Day Survey:
Click on our Survey to choose which great Canadian movie to see at our April 22 Meeting! The movie that gets the most votes will be the one screened! It's a close race, so make sure to take the 1-question survey if you haven't already!
Social Events
Don Collins-Williams
We had such a great response to the Valley Ridge Sleigh Ride that we were able to add a third ride! The Games Afternoon was a lot of fun, and we had so many people asking for us to do it again that we're making it happen!
Keep an eye on your email for another Games Afternoon later this winter. Your Social Committee (Sandy Tulloch, Susan Jemmett, Cheryl Ross, Glen Downey, Mary Ann Collins-Williams, and myself) are busy planning a variety of events for the year ahead. Be sure to watch the Grapevine and your email for updates, and please feel free to share any suggestions you have!
Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
Gloria Thompson
We’ve posted two exciting trips for 2025 on our website for you to explore! Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.
Please see the flyers for all the details!
We’re still looking for more people to join our small-group Northern Italy tour in October. For details, check out the flyer above or contact Brenda at 705-444-1161.
We’re also organizing an Agawa Canyon Fall Tour from September 30 - October 3, which will take us north via Tobermory and return through Sudbury. Stay tuned for more details and pricing!
Lastly, we’re thrilled to announce an exciting Morocco tour planned for April 2026 – more info coming soon!
Activity Groups Update
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
So far, winter enthusiasts have been blessed with lots of snow and temperatures cold enough to make more. The skiers and snowshoers among us are experiencing near-perfect conditions, a nice change from last year! For those who prefer to watch the snow from inside, there are many groups to join, socialize and play games or discuss books. We are starting to think about the activity fair; if you have an idea for an activity that you would like to start and showcase at the activity fair, please contact me and I can help get you started. This is your PROBUS club; the more activities offered, the more fun we have! Get active, join a group or start a new one!
There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!
If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:

Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman
Invitations for our Wednesday, February 19 Luncheon at The Curly Willow Eatery in Collingwood were sent out on February 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up for the group and receive the invitations!
Future Dining Dates:
- Wednesday, February 19 @ 11:30 am Luncheon – The Curly Willow Eatery, Collingwood
- Wednesday, March 19 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Dam Pub, Meaford
- Wednesday, April 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - Copper Blues Bar & Grill, Blue Mountain Village
- Thursday, May 8 @ 5 pm Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
- Wednesday, June 18 @ 5 pm Dinner – Mylar & Loretta, Singhampton
Euchre 1 & Intermediate Euchre
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
Monthly tournaments are now being held on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month in the downstairs Great Hall at St. George’s Anglican Church, 166 Russell St. E., Clarksburg. There is ample parking, an elevator and a spacious room. Invitations are sent out on the first of each month.
- Upcoming Tournament: Tuesday, February 11 @ 1 PM
- High Scores January 14: Euchre 1 - David Z., Intermediate – Rod M.
Nancy Dixon

Well, we’re back at it! Welcome to our new members. If you’d like to join our rambling group of incredibly enjoyable walkers, just sign-up for the
Ramblers Activity group and you’ll start receiving emails about our latest walks. If you love the outdoors, hiking, great conversations, and plenty of jokes, you’re our kind of people. It can be cold, but if you dress for skiing, you’ll be fine. Looking forward to getting to know all of you Ramblers!
John White and Louis Charland

We had a good turnout for our January lunch at Studio 87 in Meaford. Sean McMurray joined us and updated us on his father Bill's health. Sadly, our ROMEO leader and friend, Bill McMurray, passed away peacefully on January 18, with family by his side. A celebration of life is planned for the spring. R.O.M.E.O. ("Retired Outstanding Men Eating Out") will continue with John White and Louis Charland as Activity Co-Coordinators. Our next get-together will be on Wednesday, February 12, at the Corner Café in Thornbury.
Ski Legends
Chris Mifflin
Ski Days: We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain from January 7 to March 26.. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Silver Bullet. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at one of the restaurants in the Village or at the Inn. We also ski at local Private Clubs on Tuesdays throughout the season. The remaining dates are:
- Thursday, February 13, Devil's Glen - $72 including Tax
- Thursday, February 27, Osler - $90 plus Tax
Free Social Event: The end-of-season Legends Breakfast is on Wednesday, March 26, 8 - 11 am at Toronto Ski Club (north end of Blue). Come for breakfast and stay for one of our last Wednesday ski days! More details coming soon
Skiis and Biikes - 15% off regular prices on winter soft goods until March 31. Toronto Ski Club - Discounted midweek membership (ski pass not included) Enjoy a private clubhouse experience while skiing or snowboarding midweek at Blue Mountain Resort for a discounted rate of only $299.00 (plus HST) seasonally. The TSC Midweek Membership is a great option for those who are 5x7 passholders at Blue Mountain Resort and want additional comfort and privacy away from the public.
All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
The snowshoe group loves snow, and we’ve been blessed with plenty of it this year! We’ve enjoyed three outings so far: the first at the Beaver River Trail, heading north from Clarksburg, and the second at Clendenan Dam for a moonlight trek. Sandy T. kindly invited everyone back to her home for a potluck dinner after the trek, providing a great opportunity to socialize after the exercise. For our third outing, the group trekked through deep snow and took in the breathtaking views from Raymond and Kath G's property, which overlooks the valley. To top it off, we were treated to warm apple cider and homemade cookies in their cozy home afterward. There are more snowshoe outings planned for the coming weeks, weather permitting. Please keep an eye out for the emails and get out to enjoy the snow!
Humour Corner
Shared by Hank Bouwman
Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say? Here are some questionable newspaper headlines!
Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors - Boy, are they tall!
New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group - Weren't they fat enough?!
Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers - Now that's taking things a bit far!
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges - You mean there's something stronger than duct tape?
Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over - What a guy!
The Master Gardener’s Corner
John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario
Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in February. There is lots to do, even in winter!
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams
Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
In Memoriam
Bill McMurray founder of our R.O.M.E.O. activity group, passed away on January 18. His passing has deeply affected our PROBUS community and we extend our sincere condolences to his family.
The Last Word
Shared by Nancy Dixon
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is therefore not an act, but a habit. Aristotle
Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!
Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |