Beaver Valley Probus Club

Grapevine October 2023

October 04, 2023 1:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

President's Message
Ilene Rushefsky Charland

The Ramblers activity group had a lovely walk in downtown Meaford a few weeks ago and had the pleasure of viewing the scarecrows. The Scarecrow Invasion always marks the beginning of autumn, with cooler temperatures, the amazing changing colours and a time to be thankful for the good life we enjoy.

For some it is a time to travel with fewer crowds and a quieter, slower pace. For some, getting the gardens ready for the next season. Our Master Gardener, John, has helpful tips to enjoy the last days of the garden and get things ready for spring.

October is a time to celebrate: Thanksgiving, time with family and friends, and Probus month. We end the month with inspirational speaker Angie Sandow, and her refusal to say, “I can’t”. Enjoy all the season has to offer. 

Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

Do you know where your PROBUS badge is?

With 600 names on our membership roll, we ask our members to wear their badges when attending club meetings, events and, when practical, at activities. Although not required, it is a courtesy to other members and helps facilitate the social aspect of our social club. We have many badges that still need to be picked up: from 2022, from February 2023 and from this summer’s membership drive. These are available at the monthly meetings. If your badge is lost, you can order a replacement through us. 

If you have any questions for the Membership team, you can reach us at our new email

October Meeting - Tuesday Oct 24 @ 1:00 PM

Please register if you plan to attend this meeting—so that we have enough chairs and coffee for everyone!

Date:Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins
: 1:30 PM

Speaker: Angie Sandow
Angie is an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Executive Producer, Breast Cancer Survivor, Motorcycle Enthusiast and Musician. Angie will share her amazing story that includes; being born with a variety of congenital birth defects, the most notable of which is the limb difference of her right arm and hand, and being laughed at and excluded as a result of her limb difference. Angie demonstrates why the word "can't" should not exist in anyone's vocabulary, and the importance of not allowing oneself to be judged or to judge others! Prepare to be inspired...

Social Events
Don Collins-Williams

It has been a very busy year so far—thanks to all our member suggestions, and we have had a record number of interesting events! Along with an increase in the number of participants, we have also had quite a few questions regarding registration cancellations with our over-subscribed events.

Waitlists: Please JOIN WAITLIST if an event is full. Popular events like the Chi-Cheemaun Cruise and John McDermott Concert sell out quickly, but we always get a cancellation or two closer to the date. There is no cost to join the waitlist.

Cancellations: If you ever need to cancel a paid event, please do not make private arrangements with other members, or particularly non-members, to take your spot. Please contact me, or the organizer of the event listed on the invitation email, first. We almost always have a waitlist, and we would like those members on the waitlist to be given the first option to purchase your ticket from you.

Georgian PROBUS Travel Club
Gloria Thompson

Circumnavigation of Newfoundland: This is an incredible 12-day adventure out of St. John's June 16 - 27, 2024. Book before October 30 to get the Early Booking Bonus of 25% off the berth cost. Click on the image for the Itinerary and Pricing details!  Please contact Brenda Chapman at Marlin Travel 705-444-1161 with any questions.

Norway Coastal Voyage: Join your fellow PROBUS members from the Georgian Bay Region for an incredible tour of Norway September 17 - 27, 2024.  The Hurtigruten ship leaves Bergen and sails north of the Arctic circle and returns to Trondheim. Optional rail tour available. See details on itinerary and pricing. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455 or Brenda 705-444-1161.

Activity Groups Update

Most Activity Group sign-ups are still open!

It's not too late to sign-up! Just a reminder, in order to be on an activity participant list—you must sign-up online—even if you signed up for the same Activity last year. A couple of Activity Groups are closed to additional participants due to overwhelming demand, but most groups are still open. If you aren't sure, please contact the Activity Group leader directly or email

There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign-up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!

If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team on our new email address:


Computer GroupComputer Group
Martin Buscher

Our last gathering was all about apps, and we had a lively exchange with a lot of learning. Sadly, we will not have a meeting in November (travel) nor in December (holiday). However, we'll come back strongly on Monday, January 22. Looking forward to suggestions on what to cover then!

Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman

Dining around TownInvitations for our Wednesday October 18 Dinner at 5:00 pm at Prime – Seven - Nine in Collingwood were sent out on October 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us…..just go to the Dining Around Town activity page and click on the Activity Group Sign-up button.

We had a record turnout of 69 members at our September 20 buffet dinner at Walter Falls Inn and enjoyed an excellent meal. We have already booked Walter Falls for September 18 in 2024.

Save the dates:

  • Wednesday, October 18: Dinner at 5 pm at Prime - Seven - Nine in Collingwood
  • Tuesday, November 21: Luncheon at 11:30 am at The Curly Willow Eatery in Collingwood

Bill McMurray

We had a successful outing to Winifred’s in September and will be lunching at The Red Door Restaurant in Meaford on October 11. Look for the email invitation to be sent out on October 4, in order to RSVP.

Euchre 1
Elaine & Hank Bouwman

Tuesday, October 10 at 1:20 pm – John & Beth W. will host for a fun afternoon of cards and snacks. We had an enjoyable afternoon of card playing and snacks at the home of Geoff & Jan N. on September 12 with 16 members participating in 2 groups of 8 and George C. & Hank B. came out on top.

Vicki Kellar

The end of October marks the finale of our 2023 hikes and as of the beginning of the month we had completed 20. There were several new-to-us hikes this summer including the Hilts Fall loop, Pinnacle Rock from Duncan and the east Owen Sound crevice trail. Many thanks go to the new and long term leaders who volunteered their time!

Several hikes concluded with some social time over a coffee, snacks or a lunch, with the Inn at Walter’s Falls as my favourite and Mylar & Loreta’s in Singhampton as a close second. Relaxing together after a hike is a great way to get to know your fellow Probus members.

One of the season’s highlights was the new Hogg’s Falls loop. The Beaver Valley chapter of the Bruce Trail conservancy has to be commended for the hundreds of hours of planning and working over 5 years to provide the 3 new bridges and extensive boardwalks. This year’s record number of 29 hikers (seen in this photo), enjoyed every up and down plus the river and falls views. Our hikers are now looking forward to the late fall and winter activities. Hope to see you on the ski slopes or perhaps snowshoeing the area trails.

Mah jongg
Judy Smith

The Mah Jongg group started up this past spring and our members have enjoyed learning to play the American version of this traditional Asian tile game. New members are always welcome; training sessions are provided as needed. Our fall playing schedule is being set up now. We currently meet every Tuesday of the month, except on our Membership Meetings. We may reduce this to playing the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, per members’ wishes. Members are asked to sign up to host games. Hosts are not required to supply refreshments. Other members are willing to bring game sets and extra tables/chairs if needed. If you are interested to join us, please sign up on the Mah jongg Activity page. Contact Judy Smith for more information.

Nancy Dixon

After a great summer of Rambling and successfully avoiding those many rainy days, it looks like we are in for a beautiful fall with wonderful colours to enjoy while we ramble. We plan to return to Coffin Ridge with a pre-walk starting at Leith Church on October 13 ending up at Coffin Ridge for lunch. Just respond to the Ramblers invitation if you are interested.

Back Roads Cycling
June Dalton

This marks the end of another great season with Back Roads Cycling. This past Thursday’s ride took us to the Collingwood Airport, where we enjoyed breakfast outdoors while being entertained by the planes and helicopters taking off and landing (see the photos)! It was a wonderful fall day—rather cool temps to begin our ride, but it warmed up nicely, to a balmy 17 degrees, for the ride home. It is a nice way to enjoy the changing fall colours. Thank you to those eager riders who regularly showed up for the Thursday rides. I have to say we have made some great friendships, shared lots of laughs and covered many miles during the past 20 weeks. As I prepare to put my bike away, I can’t help looking forward to the next Back Roads Cycling season in 2024. Hope to see you then. 

Walking Soccer
Nancy Dixon

Even though we have had a short season, our participants seemed to enjoy our attempts at the new sport Walking Soccer especially formed for our group. Our numbers were perfect for a 5 on 5 game. As we progressed, and shots were tried, good and bad, a few shots on goal got in--much to Tom P's ire. Next spring Tom, we will have a rematch. Thanks to all of you who tolerated my recruiting efforts and those of you who showed up to play Walking Soccer—you are the best!!!!

Brain Teaser 
Mary Livingston

Rearrange the following words to give a popular cereal name (answers at the end of the newsletter!)

  • Slick ape 
  • Focus of cap 
  • Contact harmonic nuns 
  • Aim pectorals

The Master Gardener’s Corner
John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario

Click on the photo to see what you need to be doing in your garden in October... It’s time to trim back perennials and divide them and October is a great month to plant perennials—to get a big jump on the plants planted next spring...  

Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

The Last Word
Shared by Hank Bouwman

If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. Anonymous

Anagram Answers

Special K, Cocoa puffs, Cinnamon toast crunch, Oatmeal crisp

Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

Convenor: Volunteer needed!

Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

All rights reserved.

Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software