President's Message
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
One of the highlights of April was viewing the film “The Red Violin” as part of the National Canadian Film Festival. The film was a blend of history, drama, and romance. I think everyone was touched by the raw emotion that the film evoked.
Usually May brings warmer weather, and the start of more outdoor activities. Let’s hope that the weather cooperates and we can once again meet friends and enjoy our Club's many offerings. Thank you to the organizers, activity group leaders and those participating, who have made our Club's activities such a success.
Our website is a wonderful resource and I encourage all of you to use it to keep up to date on PROBUS events. Social events and meeting dates are posted on the website; and all members will also receive an email invitation with registration instructions. If you have signed up for a specific activity group, invitation emails will be sent to announce each outing date, such as a hike, a biking excursion, etc. Many of our members also find the ‘Wild Apricot’ APP on their smartphones particularly useful for finding other member's contact information, as well as searching for events and registering!
The best way to meet new friends is to get involved! Joining activities—whether they are ones you have enjoyed for a long time, or you are just learning about—keeps us busy and engaged. Our volunteers put in many hours to offer the variety of activities that make this club special, so please enjoy them. And if you have a passion that you would like to share, please volunteer. Your contribution is welcomed and appreciated.
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
Membership applicants are popping up on our Waitlist as quickly as Daffodils in the gardens around town! If you know someone who is interested, encourage them to submit their on-line application. We will be reviewing the Applicant List in late Summer for a September start.
If you have any questions for the Membership team, you can reach us at our new email
May Meeting - Tuesday May 23 @ 1:00 PM
Please register if you plan to attend this meeting—so that we have enough chairs and coffee for everyone!
Date: Tuesday May 23, 2023
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
Speaker: Dean Hollin
Dean is an entertainer—on stage, television and the airwaves. As an actor/singer he has written, directed and performed in stage productions all around Ontario. He is well known for his emcee skills, and as the host of Radio Limelite—All Things Great American Songbook and Big Band Night as well as co-hosting The Garden Show with Charlie Dobbin on Zoomer Radio and The Classical Jukebox on The New Classical FM. Dean will certainly be an entertaining speaker for our group!
50-50 draw: There was no 50/50 Draw in April, but it will return for our May monthly meeting. 50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the first break. See Elaine or Hank Bouwman at one of the tables at the back of the room.
Book Exchange
After over 3 years the Book Exchange will finally be back in business at the May Membership meeting. Any member can participate. No sign up is required. The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1pm. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!
NOTICE: Beaver Valley Community Centre Parking Disruption
Please be aware that there is a big parking lot construction project scheduled from May 15 - July 1 which may restrict how much parking is available at the community center for our meetings.
Social Events
Don Collins-Williams, Stella Zahradnik
It looks like we will have a busy spring and summer!
une 20, 2023: Annual Golf Tournament
Registration is now open! This year's tournament will be held at Shelburne Golf and Country Club. $95 / per person. Price includes 18 holes with cart, and BBQ lunch. The format is team scramble with a shotgun start. Non-member guests are welcome. Please reserve now to help us plan—online payment to be made later, starting June 5.
June 21, 2023: Theatre Event - The Buddy Holly Story
Ticket Pick Up: For those lucky club members who registered for the Buddy Holly Story at the King’s Wharf Theatre in June, the tickets will be available for pick up at the May 23 meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Vicki Kellar to arrange a pick up.
July 20, 2023 - Annual Summer Picnic - SAVE THE DATE!
Our Annual Summer Picnic is back - this time in July! We will return to the Alpine Ski Club for our summer get-together with lots of games and activities on the lawn. Please mark your calendar and look for the invitation coming out in June!
We are hoping to have an evening at the E.C. Carr Observatory sometime in June as well. As always, if you have any ideas for other potential future events, please let us know at our new email
Activity Groups Update
Most Activity Group sign-ups are still open!
It's not too late to sign-up! Just a reminder, in order to be on an activity participant list—you must sign-up online—even if you signed up for the same Activity last year (or this year prior to March 28, 2023). A couple of Activity Groups are closed to additional participants due to overwhelming demand, but most groups are still open. If you aren't sure, please contact the Activity Group leader directly or email
There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign-up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!
If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team on our new email address:

Brian Cromie / Lucie Desjardins
The new Birding Group will make its first outing on Thursday May 4 (weather permitting) just in time to observe our spring returning migrants at several sites close to Thornbury. We also hope to see species destined for a summer farther north in the boreal forest as they pass through our region.
Computer Group
Martin Buscher
"Digital Inheritance" was the topic for our last meeting, i.e. what to share with our executors about our Internet accounts, digital photo and movie collections, cryptocurrency, etc. This month it will be a bit more uplifting topic: "Artificial Intelligence".
Mikael Schaltz
The Explorators Cycling Group will be active for the summer of 2023! The cycling day is Wednesday, with a 10 AM start. The distance is 20-25 km and the rides last around 2-2.5 hrs. Beverly and Marcel Forget have generously agreed to lead the group on the weekly rides, until my hip is able to do a 25 km ride. So please sign up on the Explorators Activity page and we will be out riding together soon.
Recreational Cycling
Caroline Bacher
As the month of May is here, it is time to think about cycling again! I will send out an email to inform you of our first ride when the weather warms up. So get your bikes out and ready for cycling! Remember to get them tuned up by a professional so that they are road worthy. We will discuss what you need for your bicycle at our first meeting. I will have sheets with dates of our rides so that you can sign up to lead one or two for me. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman
Invitations for our Wednesday May 17 Dinner & Tour at 5:00 PM at Match Restaurant & Casino in Wasaga Beach were sent out on May 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us… Just click the "Activity Group Sign-up" button on the Dining Around Town activity page. Check-in at the Playtime Casino Guest Services counter, sign up for My Club Rewards and receive a $10 free slot play voucher. 33 of our members participated in our April 18 Brunch at The Georgian Family Restaurant in Collingwood.
Save the dates:
- Wednesday, May 17: Dinner at Match Eatery, Playtime Casino in Wasaga Beach. Includes optional guided tour & complimentary $10 slot play voucher for tour participants
- Thursday, June 15: Family Style Dinner @ 5:00 PM at Marilynne Restaurant in downtown Markdale
- Friday August 18: Pizza Party @ 5PM at Justin's Oven in Kimberley.
- Wednesday, September 20: Buffet Dinner @ 5 pm at Walter Falls Inn
Bill McMurray
We had a record 19 members attend April's lunch at The Corner Cafe in Thornbury. We hope for another great turn-out on Wednesday, May 10 at The Red Door Pub & Grill in Meaford! Please RSVP via the email invitation that went out on May 2.
Euchre 1
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
Tuesday, May 9 at 1:20 pm: Bruce Leigh will host if we have 2 tables. Mary P & Steve D will host if we have 3 - 4 tables, for a fun afternoon of cards and snacks. It’s not too late to join us..…just go on-line to the Euchre 1 Activity page to sign up. We had an enjoyable afternoon of card playing and snacks at the homes of George B and Linda H with 16 members participating on Tuesday, April 11. Elaine B & Bruce L had the high scores and hold bragging rights for the day after coming out on top following 7 rounds.
Introduction to Euchre
Elaine & Hank Bouwman

Based on feedback that we received at the March 28 Activity Fair, we have decided to hold some euchre training sessions and have had 2 groups with a total of 10 participants to date, and a number on the Waitlist for future sessions. We plan to start a 3rd group on May 29 so add your name to the
Waitlist to be notified of the details. These sessions are geared toward members who have either never played euchre at all, or those who have played, but need a refresher course. People new to euchre may need 2 – 3 training sessions, whereas a refresher course may only require 1 – 2 sessions. Please note that these training sessions are not for experienced euchre players, as they already play on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Brian Cromie
The Golfing Group is scraping the rust off their clubs and getting ready for the first game of the year at Tomahawk, on May 9. We plan to get groups out on alternating Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. There is always room for more members no matter how well you play, so please join us by signing up for this new Golf Activity Group.
Vicki Kellar
A Wet Hiking Start: Our Hiking Group has now topped 100 members and we welcome everyone to what we expect to be an enjoyable and energetic season. Unfortunately the weather hasn’t yet cooperated, resulting in very wet forest trails, even affecting our more urban initial hike. We’re looking forward to better conditions soon and a variety of area venues. If you haven't signed up yet for the Hiking Activity Group, you can still join by registering on the Hiking Activity page. Also check out the additional hiking information and guidelines on our page!
Mah jongg
Judy Smith

We had 20 members sign up for this new activity. Training sessions have begun for those who are new to the game of American Mah jongg. The goal is to hold weekly training sessions through May, then begin playing regular games on either Tuesday or Friday afternoons (chosen by majority vote) in June. It is still possible to sign up for this activity on the Mah jongg Activity page. Our next scheduled training sessions will be May 5 and May 19. Contact Judy Smith for more information.
Nancy Dixon

Recently we had an amazing walk to the Clendenan Dam (from Thornbury to Clarksburg and back) where we spotted swans. Is it possible that there are more swans in the area or just two very busy swans following us, as we ramble along? We had a few new Ramblers join us, experiencing our best ramble yet. Thanks to all of you attending. You always make my day!
Photo Corner - SS Keewatin
Vicki Kellar
The photo below, pictures the SS Keewatin, as she moved from Port McNicoll on her way to a permanent site in Kingston to join the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes. She will be stopping in Hamilton for dry dock repairs. Unfortunately her long history with Port McNicoll and the numerous local volunteers, weren’t enough to keep her in Georgian Bay...
The SS Keewatin is one of the largest of the 3 Edwardian, Titanic era, passenger steam ships still floating. The subject of numerous documentaries, she was also featured on an episode of Murdock Mysteries, Murdock Ahoy. Several years ago ‘volunteer Captain’ Eric Conroy (who actually worked, then later volunteered, on the ship) spoke to our Club about the ship’s interesting history. PROBUS members also toured the ship, built in Glasgow in 1907.
If you have any spring photos you would like to share, please send them to our new email address at so that they can be included in the Spring Slideshow!
The Master Gardener’s Corner
John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario
Click on the tulip photo to see what you need to be doing in your garden in May... Don't forget to look over your garden to determine what plants are in the wrong place or should be divided. Dig and pot up any extra plant material to contribute to the St. George’s annual plant sale, Saturday June 3, 2023.
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams
Have you heard of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
The Last Word
Shared by Nancy Dixon
For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go! I travel for travel's sake.
Author R. L. Stevenson
Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!
Convenor: Volunteer needed!
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |