President's Message

It has been an active summer for many of our members! There was a lot going on once the weather allowed us to organize outdoor activities and events. A BIG thank-you to all the volunteers who make this happen for the rest of us!
Our online event system captures most of this activity, so we know of at least 140 individual activities, such as hikes, bike rides, dinners, etc. There were a few other activities that were organized without the help of the system, such as book clubs, cue sports, Nordic pole walking, ROMEOs and more.
Our most active members registered for about 40 events! It is nice to see some newcomers really taking advantage of the offerings as well. Curiously, there are some 200 members who haven't signed up for any activity, yet.
The highlight of the season must surely have been our Annual Picnic, which was held at the Alpine Ski Club. Check out the Picnic photos and videos (!) on our website to get an idea of the good times had by about 100 of our members. If you missed it, look forward to our Christmas Luncheon, which we are planning at that very venue!

Membership Meeting - September 27 @ 1:00 PM
Location: Beaver Valley Community Centre and Zoom
Speaker: Brock Godfrey, Canadian Anti-fraud Centre
Topic: Fraud Awareness for Seniors
Learn about the top scams targeting Seniors in Canada—what to look for and how to avoid the most serious frauds. This presentation was developed with assistance from the North Bay office, and from RCMP staff in Southern Ontario.

Brock took early retirement in 1993 from the Ontario Ministry of Education, after 30 years in education. Following over three years of consulting, he joined PhoneBusters in 1997 as a Volunteer. This organization then became the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Since leaving North Bay, he mainly gives presentations such as this to Service Clubs, Seniors and Professional Groups, across all of Southern Ontario, and from Maui, Hawaii, to Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. Where possible, he often co-presents with Police Officers, especially from the OPP or RCMP. Brock received the Superintendent’s Award of Distinction from the RCMP for his work in making presentations about this topic across the province. Brock is approaching 800 presentations, and is looking forward to full retirement soon.
Questions? Please contact:
Nancy Dixon: Meeting registration help
Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp: Speaker information
The 50-50 Draw Returns
The 50/50 Draw will be available at our September 27 monthly meeting with tickets available before the start of the meeting and during intermission, at the back of the hall from Hank & Elaine Bouwman.
We will draw for 2 winners that will share 50% of the sales and it would help to have the correct change available. Ticket costs are as follows:
- 1 - $2.00
- 3 - $5.00
- 10 - $10.00
Activity Groups Update
Colleen Wilson-Dick
There have been no shortage of activities as all of the summer outdoor groups have been meeting this month. Below are synopsis of some of the outings that members have enjoyed. As always, a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, leaders, and coordinators for their time and effort to make our summer fun and active. Read below or check the website to get an idea of what events are happening through our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club.

Canoeing & Kayaking
Kirby Philp, Lucie Desjardins, Glenn Downey
We have had a great season so far, with many members joining us on the water for fun paddles. Our locations that we have explored include the Beaver River 2x, Bell's Lake, Nottawasaga River (Wasaga Sports Park) 2X, Sauble River (@Sauble Falls) and the Collingwood Harbour. These paddles have been very enjoyable with us experiencing nature while enjoying the camaraderie of the group. We will have 2 more paddles left in September to wrap up the season. Check out the Canoeing & Kayaking photos!
Computer Group
Martin Buscher

Our next meeting is on September 28 at 2 PM when we'll review what we learned about fraud awareness from our speaker the previous day. There are a number of strategies on how to recognize and respond to scams.
Casual Dining With Friends
Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

We enjoyed two delightful pot luck picnics during the summer months, one in July at Al and Shellie Smith’s charming backyard and the second in August at Bayview Park Pavilion in TBM. Over 30 attended in each case and great food and good company led to truly enjoyable evenings. With fall coming we will be reverting to our usual small group dinners at various members' homes. Although the format is different from our summer gatherings the events are always great fun and provide an excellent opportunity to meet and enjoy new people. Please watch your email boxes in early September for an invitation to our first fall event on September 22.
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman

We normally skip holding dinners during July & August, but this year we decided to have a Pizza Party on the outside patio at Justin’s Oven on August 19. The weatherman co-operated and we had an enjoyable dinner & visit. Our next dinner will be at the beautiful Falls Inn in Walters Falls on Wednesday September 21. We had our largest turnout for any dinner here back in 2019.
Save the date(s):
- Wednesday, September 21 @ 5 pm. In the banquet room at the Walter Falls Inn
- Thursday, October 13 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
- Thursday, October 20 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
- Wednesday, November 23 Brunch @ 10 am at Sheardown's Wine Bar, Meaford
Bill McMurray
Our last outing was the second Wednesday of August at Sterling’s in Thornbury— even though they had no record of our group. They handled it well and we were pleased with the service and food. Seated next to us were members of a Ladies PROBUS Club from Collingwood! We have switched to Wednesdays, as there are more places open. I haven’t booked September yet, but will be contacting my members.
Ilene Rushefsky Charland

We have had a nice variety of hikes, through forests, lookouts, waterfalls, and riverside. As cooler weather approaches, with fewer insects, we look forward to more hiking opportunities, both old favourites and new adventures. Thanks to all of our hike leaders. Take a look at the latest Hiking Group Photos. See you on the trails!
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
It has been a windy month overall, and opportunities for paddleboarding have been few. Hopefully, we will still have a few calm days in the next few weeks and can go out again. Thanks to those who came out; you did your best.
Recreational Cycling
Caroline Bacher
We began our rides on May 9th. We have been cycling along local trails and quiet roads in Meaford, Thornbury and Collingwood. Thank you to Ilene and Louis Charland who led a ride from Meaford to Lora Bay. Some of our destinations were further afield such as the Wyevale Train Trail and the trail from Ben Allen to Shallow Lake, which Vicki and Terry Kellar offered to lead. Our next long ride will be in Midland along the Tay Shore Trail. The group has typically been small, from 6 to 10 participants and we all have enjoyed the camaraderie of cycling together. We will continue our regular scheduled Monday rides into October, weather permitting.
Nancy Dixon

What a great year l have enjoyed with our Ramblers group. Just finished our Creemore crawl introducing my Ramblers to the old jail, the Chocolate patisserie and a few of us stayed to sample Creemore's best ales not to mention the shopping. After nearly two years of walking, talking and encouraging members to Ramble with me, l want to thank those who joined our group. You have made us all happier, healthier and eager to Ramble on. Thanks, from both of us! Nancy and Heather Some new photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!
Ski Legends
Louise Armstrong

It is hard to think about snow in the summer—but now is the time to book your group ski vacation! PROBUS Ski Legends has arranged for two ski trips out west this winter and there is still some availability.
The two ski trips for 2023 are still open for registration—but sign-up soon!
- Sun Peaks, BC: Staying at at the ski-in, ski-out Sun Peaks Grand Hotel. 7 nights Feb 5-12 starting at $2635 per person, or 10 nights Feb 5-15 starting at $3365 per person.
- Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado: Back by popular demand, Feb 25-Mar 4, staying at the Stonebridge Inn at the base of Snowmass. Prices start at $3380 per person including a 5 day senior ski pass.
You must be a PROBUS member, as well as a member of Ski Legends, to register. Complete information on both ski trips and the membership application is available on the Ski Legends website at
Gloria Thompson

I have asked for rebooking and repricing for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland for Saturday, May 13, 2023 and returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. It will start and end at the Glasgow airport and go as far north as the Orkneys. For those who paid a deposit on the 2020 trip, your deposit will be honoured. Yes—they are still in business thankfully. We need about 25 people so I hope you will talk to one and all and find more folks... We have lost quite a few of our travellers, who had signed up over the years, for various reasons. I will post an updated flyer when I can get one. Feel free to call me. Gloria 705 429 9455
Photo Corner
Paddleboarding group met on August 16, but the bay was too rough—so the group enjoyed the sunset instead...Submitted by
Lucie Desjardins.

Our Annual Summer Picnic returned on August 11, after a hiatus of 3 years. Over 100 members attended the event at Alpine Ski Club where a good time was had by all! See the Picnic Videos and photos shared by Peter Edwards!

The Nordic Pole Walkers have been walking almost every Tuesday since April. Check out the Nordic Pole Walking photo page and view the video captured and annotated by Paul Green.

Don't forget to take a look at other photos shared by our members over the last couple of months!
See all the
Photos of 2022—including
Backroads Cycling,
Explorators Cycling,
Recreational Cycling,
Hiking and more!
Grammar Lesson:
Shared by Hank Bouwman
No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between these two words - "Complete" or "Finished"
In a linguistic competition held in London a few years ago and attended by supposedly, the best in the world, Samdar Balgobin, a Guyanese man, was the clear winner and received a standing ovation which lasted over five minutes.
The final question was: 'How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand? Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.'
Here is his astute answer:
- When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE.
- When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED.
- And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!
Nominating Committee
Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland, Elsbeth Wright
Even though there has been a break for the summer, the Nominating Committee is always looking for members to participate on our Management Committee. If you are interested in making a difference to your Club and would like to become an active member, please contact any one of us on the Nominating Committee.
The Master Gardener’s Corner
Our Master Gardener's Corner by
John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web
Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or
click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in September.
The Last Word
Shared by Charmane Evenson
Put up in a place where it’s easy to see
The cryptic admonishment T.T.T.
When you begin to feel how depressingly slowly you climb,
It’s well to remember that Things Take Time.
Piet Heins
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |