This week, due to the rescheduled Lawn Bowling event in the afternoon, July 24, we will stay local and return to the Beaver River for our paddle. We will meet at the parking lot by the bridge at the Beaver River Access Point #2 (Epping). The paddle will start at 10:00 am sharp.
Paddling Route: We will paddle upstream towards Kimberly from the launch for about an hour then turn around and paddle back to our starting point. This is an easy paddle that will last just under 2 hours. We hope to see lots of nature along the way including a variety of birds, turtles, fish muscrat and beaver. Note: there are no washroom facilities at this location.
Anyone interested in renting canoes or kayaks please contact Free Spirit tours in Heathcote ( They can bring your rental to the starting point. Hope you can join us for this popular paddle.
Time : 10:00am - on the water. Please arrive with enough time to unload your boats and prepare for the paddle.
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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club
Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0