Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • Backroads Cycling - Session 6

Backroads Cycling - Session 6

  • June 27, 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • Thornbury/ Clarksburg Area
  • 7


  • Registration will open a few days before the session. An Email invitation will also be sent to Activity Group at that time.

Registration is closed

Thornbury/ Clarksburg Area Tour (Approx. 30km)

Ride begins from the Beaver Valley Community Centre in Thornbury. Turn left from the parking lot onto Alfred St. Right onto Bruce St.riding through Clarksburg on Marsh St as it becomes Grey Rd #13. Turn left onto 10th Line (just past landfill). Take Tenth Line to Side Rd#21 and turn left. Ride up to Victoria Corners. This road has plenty of hills. Turn left onto Grey Rd #2 heading down to the Firehall/OPP station. Turn left onto Clark St. Go across the bridge in Clarksburg. We will be riding up past the orchards on Side Rd #30. Turn right onto Blue Mnt/ Euphrasia Twnline. Turn right @ stop sign onto Side Rd #30 (Frogs Hollow). This road has some potholes so beware! Ride down turning right onto Napier. Take this to Bruce St. and turn left. Stop @ Thornbury Bakery/ Cafe. Return to parking lot. Turn right onto Bruce St and right onto Alfred St. Back to the parking lot. Approx 30km but plenty of hill work!

We will be stopping in Thornbury for a coffee/tea break so bring some money. We try to start on time. Please plan to arrive 15mins early so you are "ride ready". Hope to see you there @ 9:00AM.

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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