This hike is on a Friday at 9:30am
Hike Leader: Vicki Kellar
Please confirm in advance with Vicki if you are staying for (a great) lunch or a beverage.
Description:This is a lovely loop which follows the river, and loops around forested areas and includes packed dirt trails (lots of roots) two long up and down sections, with rocky or muddy footing, other ups and downs, plus rocky areas including a long descent.
Difficulty and Duration: Approx 5 kms considered moderate, with several rocky areas. The pace will be medium. Approx time 1.5-2 hrs
Please bring water, bug spray and hiking poles.
Starting point & Parking: The Falls Inn & Spa, 140 Front St, Walters Falls
what3words: bureau.lookout.rosettes
Car pooling is recommended. Please check the registrant list and make arrangements with fellow hikers.
You are invited to join me for lunch and/or a drink afterwards on the deck at the Walter’s Falls Inn. Lunch prices approx $18+