Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • Birding - Collingwood Arboretum

Birding - Collingwood Arboretum

  • May 22, 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Hickory ST, Collingwood
  • 3


  • Registration will open a few days before the session. An Email invitation will also be sent to Activity Group at that time.
    -Each member should register individually from the email addressed to them specifically by name.
    -Please JOIN WAITLIST if full. We get last minute cancellations.

Registration is closed

As the migration of birds winds down, we will be faced with a new level of challenges as we go out and observe, with fewer birds and more challenging conditions such as the trees and shrubs have leafed out.

Birds should generally be 'on territory' now and their main focus will be to find a breeding partner.  Because birds use their songs to claim territory and to attract a mate, these calls will become a great tool to find them.  We will also use Merlin to 'guide' us in identifying the singing bird and then, try to find the bird that is making that sound to confirm our sighting.  It is certainly a more laborious process, but a very satisfying one as it teaches us to match the bird with the song.  It is something we can all do.

To best experience summer birding, each individual should have the Cornell Lab, Merlin app on our phones.  If this is something that interests you, come and join us as we explore the trails along the shore at the Collingwood Arboretum.

 We will meet at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, May 22 .  Turn north off Collingwood's 1st Street at the Beer Store, onto Hickory and follow it to the end where there is a small parking area.

This is a dependable birding 'hot spot' where we should be able to spot many songbirds, shorebirds and waterfowl. 

Please confirm your attendance by clicking on the Register button here.

With apologies for the shortness of notice (we all get busy in the spring) but hopefully we will have a good outing tomorrow.

Lucie and Brian

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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