Start at Beaver Valley Community Center with a loop around Thornbury and through Lora Bay. 21km
Ride Leader: Mikael Schaltz
Meeting Place: West side off Beaver Valley Community Centre
Bike Trail Details: The Monday, July 22nd ride will be around Thornbury. We will start at the BVCC and head out of town on Beaver Street, then take Sideroad # 11 to Lora Bay and head via Georgian Trail to Christie Beach Road. From there we will go to the lake and on Sunset Boulevard we will head back to the Lora Bay Club House and then take the Georgian Trail back to BVCC. The total KM's is app 21 km and it is in on a mix of trail, gravel and small paved roads.
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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club
Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0