Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • October Membership Meeting

October Membership Meeting

  • October 22, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Beaver Valley Community Centre


Registration is closed

We look forward to seeing you at our October meeting at the Beaver Valley Community Centre.

Please register if you plan to attend this meeting—so that we have enough chairs and coffee for everyone!

Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

Speaker: Chris Pocock (Beaver Valley PROBUS Member)
Title: Overcoming Obstacles That Prevent Physical Activity

Throughout my life, I have enjoyed the health benefits derived from participating in physical activity. I participated in endurance sport competitions including marathons, triathlons, adventure racing, cycling and rowing in my fifties and sixties. After forty-five years of working in the Canadian Finance industry, I retired at the age of seventy, and then returned to Graduate School to research the relationship between healthy aging and physical activity. My Master’s thesis explored the questions, “What strategies do older adults use to overcome obstacles both before and during participating in physical activities, and when do they use these strategies?” I will discuss a number of these strategies and hopefully, they will help you overcome similar obstacles during your participation in physical activities or other types of activities. As a point of interest, the average age of the participants in this study was sixty-seven years old.

Book Exchange:
The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!

All rights reserved.

Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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