We look forward to seeing you at our April meeting at the Beaver Valley Community Centre.
Please register if you plan to attend this meeting—so that we have enough chairs and coffee for everyone!
Don't forget to bring some cash - we will have our 50-50 draw again this meeting!
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
National Canadian Film Day presentation!
We will be featuring the film (as voted by the membership) “The Grand Seduction”. The film length is 113 min. We will have a short 5 min intermission at the half way point. This year we have teamed up with Events For Life and they will be opening up their Arena Cafe for us a making and selling Pop Corn at $3 per bag. Please go into the Arena and grab some Pop Corn prior to the movie start time of 1:30 pm and also support a great cause.
Book Exchange:
The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!