Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • Annual Golf Tournament 2016

Annual Golf Tournament 2016

  • June 20, 2016

Golf Tournament 2016

The golf tournament for 2016 was held on June 20. Great weather and a great turnout. The day was sunny and warm, with a strong breeze and we had over 50 golfers. We started with coffee and muffins before the tee-off and had a great lunch with prizes to end the day.

First place: with a score of 72
Ernie Leonetti, Vicki Kellar, Candy Yeandle, Murray Lamont.

Tied for second place: with a score of 76
Chuck Reynolds , Marti Bagworth, Peter Roberts, Terry Kellar, and
Terry White, Marie Jany, and Donnalee Hobson.

  • Longest drive Men: Ernie Leonetti 
  • Longest Drive Ladies:  Computer Jen Varah
  • Closest to Line: Cathy Nighbor 
  • Closest to the Hole Men: Terry Running
  • Closest to Hole Ladies: Donnalee Hobson

Hope to see you all out next year!

Coordinator: Garry Lamont

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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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