Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • Speakers Chair

Speakers Chair  

  1. Review levels of interest in topics pertinent to our current membership. Ensure relevance for members outside the Blue Mountains, to be inclusive of members from Meaford and Collingwood.
  2. Source and contact potential speakers.
  3. Provide a short biography, topic title, talk outline and photo of the speaker for the website at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the speaking engagement.
  4. Work with the speaker and BVPC Technical group to determine all IT requirements for the presentation.
  5. Meet the speaker the day of the meeting during the setup time.
  6. Arrange to meet with the set-up team to load the presentation on the laptop and do a sound check.
  7. Introduce the speaker at the Monthly Membership Meeting or arrange for a member to introduce to do so.  
  8. Facilitate questions following the talk – remind the speaker to repeat the question using the microphone as we have had complaints that the audience often can not hear the questions.
  9. Thank the speaker and hand a thank you note outlining the honorarium as a token of thanks.
  10. Arrange with the finance group to do an e-transfer to the speaker for the honorarium following the meeting.
  11. Keep the BVPC Speaker spreadsheet up to date.
  12. Keep the Probus Canada Speaker database up to date; go to Probus Canada Website/ Members / Speakers Catalog /(enter- Thornbury ON Canada)
  13. Establish and manage a budget.  
  14. Accept the responsibilities of the Management Team and attend Management meetings.

Schedule for the Membership meeting

  • 1:00 pm –1:30 pm – set up laptop, turn on projector, turn on 2 microphones and do a sound check, load the presentation for the speaker 
  • 1:30 pm – 1:45 pm - General meeting 
  • 1:45 pm – 2:00 pm - Social time 
  • 2:00 pm- 2:45 pm – Speaker 
  • 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Questions 
  • 3:00 pm – Thank you to speaker + End of Meeting

Speaker Guidelines

  1. Speaker must not promote the sale of products or services, perform any type of fundraising, or solicit donations or volunteers.
    Note: Book sales are permitted at the back of the room
  2. We try to provide a variety of topics and try not to repeat any speakers within 4 years of speaking. 
  3. Speakers presentation should be geared to last 45 minutes in duration. 
  4. Our standard for the speaker honorarium is $200 but we can go up to $250 (Max) for a speaker that travels a distance or is of a higher quality. We do not pay mileage/ travel expenses – this is covered as part of the honorarium. Note: Some speakers will not accept an honorarium. Members of the BVPC are not remunerated for their presentations.

All rights reserved.

Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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