Speakers Chair
- Review levels of interest in topics pertinent to our current membership. Ensure relevance for members outside the Blue Mountains, to be inclusive of members from Meaford and Collingwood.
- Source and contact potential speakers.
- Provide a short biography, topic title, talk outline and photo of the speaker for the website at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the speaking engagement.
- Work with the speaker and BVPC Technical group to determine all IT requirements for the presentation.
- Meet the speaker the day of the meeting during the setup time.
- Arrange to meet with the set-up team to load the presentation on the laptop and do a sound check.
- Introduce the speaker at the Monthly Membership Meeting or arrange for a member to introduce to do so.
- Facilitate questions following the talk – remind the speaker to repeat the question using the microphone as we have had complaints that the audience often can not hear the questions.
- Thank the speaker and hand a thank you note outlining the honorarium as a token of thanks.
- Arrange with the finance group to do an e-transfer to the speaker for the honorarium following the meeting.
- Keep the BVPC Speaker spreadsheet up to date.
- Keep the Probus Canada Speaker database up to date; go to Probus Canada Website/ Members / Speakers Catalog /(enter- Thornbury ON Canada)
- Establish and manage a budget.
- Accept the responsibilities of the Management Team and attend Management meetings.
Schedule for the Membership meeting
- 1:00 pm –1:30 pm – set up laptop, turn on projector, turn on 2 microphones and do a sound check, load the presentation for the speaker
- 1:30 pm – 1:45 pm - General meeting
- 1:45 pm – 2:00 pm - Social time
- 2:00 pm- 2:45 pm – Speaker
- 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Questions
- 3:00 pm – Thank you to speaker + End of Meeting
Speaker Guidelines
- Speaker must not promote the sale of products or services, perform any type of fundraising, or solicit donations or volunteers.
Note: Book sales are permitted at the back of the room - We try to provide a variety of topics and try not to repeat any speakers within 4 years of speaking.
- Speakers presentation should be geared to last 45 minutes in duration.
- Our standard for the speaker honorarium is $200 but we can go up to $250 (Max) for a speaker that travels a distance or is of a higher quality. We do not pay mileage/ travel expenses – this is covered as part of the honorarium. Note: Some speakers will not accept an honorarium. Members of the BVPC are not remunerated for their presentations.